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The superconductivity in doped barium superhydrides

The superconductivity in doped barium superhydrides

Published: May 17, 2023
Yue-Wen Fang, Ion Errea
Hydrocele of canal of Nuck in adult females – A series of two cases

Hydrocele of canal of Nuck in adult females – A series of two cases

Published: May 05, 2023
Devi Shanker Malik, Mahipal Singh Choudhary, Nisha Aurora et al.
Cognitive complexity: A model for distributing equivalent programming problems

Cognitive complexity: A model for distributing equivalent programming problems

Published: April 26, 2023
Samrat Kumar Dey, Syed Salauddin Mohammad Tariq, Md. Shariful Islam et al.
Formal algebraic description of a fog computing environment

Formal algebraic description of a fog computing environment

Published: April 25, 2023
Pedro Juan Roig, Salvador Alcaraz, Katja Gilly et al.

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