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Aleksandar Karadimce: This is an article about the changing landscape of scientific publishing. It discusses the rise of o...
Wai Lo: Interesting article, the authors are likely raising critical questions about the accessibility, qual...
Neil Morte: This demonstrates the snowball effect of receiving help and how that can self empower to seek additi...
Vtalius Prascienius: Hello. This is written from Lithuania. I am 5 years after a stroke. You have medicines SA4503. I agr...
Rae Dixon: Fall prevention requires an awareness of the person's fall risk as well as assistive devices and soc...
Alexey Subbotin: You may be interested in our work:
Goran Shibakovski: Last year, I had a presentation about the impact of China’s cultural diplomacy in the Western Balkan...
Lakshmi Nilakantan: Urban greening is of paramount importance in a warming world. With increased urban dwellers, around...
Andi Cudai Nur: I agree with and support the finding that an increase in the proportion of female mentors is associa...
Wei Rao: Authors studied the origin of the surface barrier in nanoporous materials by experiments. Although I...
Kim Ohaegbulam: Global warming is real and action needs to occur now more than ever. "Based on climate pledges from...
Dr Theodore Mbata: Nice and educative article
Consuelo Lopez: Excellent article
Rostyslav Sklyar: (see the corrected )

Peeref: a platform for open post-publication review

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Top 100 papers ranked by Google Scholar

Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4

Nature (1970)

DOI: 10.1038/227680a0


Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent.

J. Biol. Chem. (1951)


Rapid and sensitive method for quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing principle of protein-dye binding.

Anal. Biochem. (1976)

DOI: 10.1016/0003-2697(76)90527-3


A mathematical theory of communication

Bell Syst. Tech. J. (1948)


DNA sequencing with chain-terminating inhibitors.

Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA (1977)

DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.74.12.5463


Single-step method of RNA isolation by acid guanidinium thiocyanate phenol chloroform extraction.

Anal. Biochem. (1987)

DOI: 10.1006/Abio.1987.9999


Density-functional thermochemistry. III. The role of exact exchange.

J. Chem. Phys. (1993)

DOI: 10.1063/1.464913


Development of the Colle-Salvetti correlation-energy formula into a functional of the electron density.

Phys. Rev. B (1988)

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.37.785


A revised medium for rapid growth and bio assays with tobacco tissue cultures.

Physiol. Plant. (1962)

DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.1962.tb08052.x


Mini-mental state — practical method for grading cognitive state of patients for clinician.

J. Psychiatr. Res. (1975)

DOI: 10.1016/0022-3956(75)90026-6

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Aleksandar Karadimce commented on What Is the Price of Science?
This is an article about the changing landscape of scientific publishing. It discusses the rise of open access publishing and the challenges it creates. Traditionally, scientific articles were published in journals funded by scientific societies. Peer review was an essential part of this process. No...
Wai Lo commented on What Is the Price of Science?
Interesting article, the authors are likely raising critical questions about the accessibility, quality, and integrity of scientific research in this new era. It's an important conversation as these elements directly influence the reliability of scientific knowledge and its equitable dissemination a...
Neil Morte commented on The Impact of a Messenger-Based Psychosocial Chat Counseling Service on Further Help-Seeking Among Children and Young Adults: Longitudinal Study
This demonstrates the snowball effect of receiving help and how that can self empower to seek additional help and maintain that for the future.
Vtalius Prascienius commented on Phase II Trial of the Sigma-1 Receptor Agonist Cutamesine (SA4503) for Recovery Enhancement After Acute Ischemic Stroke
Hello. This is written from Lithuania. I am 5 years after a stroke. You have medicines SA4503. I agree to buy them, use them with my own money. My children in London, he will help me. I will put myself in your hands. I will follow your instructions. Your stimulating ability of brain cells to repair...
Rae Dixon commented on Preventing Hip Fractures
Fall prevention requires an awareness of the person's fall risk as well as assistive devices and social support in place. Last year, my stepfather's dementia became so bad that he had to go into a nursing home. During his short time there, he fell out of his bed and fractured his hip. Our family was...
Alexey Subbotin commented on Stair/escalator/elevator selection behavior of passengers in subway stations based on the fuzzy logic theory
You may be interested in our work: And here: Thank you for your possible cooperation!
Goran Shibakovski commented on When Does Cultural Diplomacy Work?
Last year, I had a presentation about the impact of China’s cultural diplomacy in the Western Balkans, and the findings showed that an important tool of China’s cultural diplomacy is the Confucius Institutes (CI) network in the Western Balkans.
Lakshmi Nilakantan commented on A transformative mission for prioritising nature in Australian cities
Urban greening is of paramount importance in a warming world. With increased urban dwellers, around the world public are getting disconnected from nature. To improve nature human relationship we need to incorporate nature in every stage of urban development. This paper describes the three step green...
Andi Cudai Nur commented on RETRACTED ARTICLE: The association between early career informal mentorship in academic collaborations and junior author performance
I agree with and support the finding that an increase in the proportion of female mentors is associated not only with decreased post-mentorship impact of women's protégé, but also with reduced retention of female mentors. While current diversity policies encourage same-sex mentoring to retain women...
Wei Rao commented on The origin of the surface barrier in nanoporous materials
Authors studied the origin of the surface barrier in nanoporous materials by experiments. Although I know how important the surface barrier is, authors didn't tell me why they want to study it at the case that many people have done much work. The major conclusion is the surface barrier is a surface...
Kim Ohaegbulam commented on Global glacier change in the 21st century: Every increase in temperature matters
Global warming is real and action needs to occur now more than ever. "Based on climate pledges from the Conference of the Parties (COP26), global mean temperature is projected to increase by +2.7°C, which would lead to a sea level contribution of 115 ± 40 millimeters and cause widespread deglaciatio...
Dr Theodore Mbata commented on The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2
Nice and educative article