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Novel synergistic combination of active ingredients for melasma topical therapy

PUBLISHED June 27, 2023 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.54985/peeref.2306p5641084)



Alfredo Martínez-Gutiérrez1 , Eloy Pena-Rodríguez1 , Susana Gómez-Escalante1 , Mari Carmen González1 , Luis Shotze Luis1
  1. Mesoestetic Pharma Group

Conference / event

International Pigment Cell Conference 2023, May 2023 (Bilbao, Spain)

Poster summary

Melasma has a complex pathophysiology with different cell types and signaling pathways involved, including paracrine factors secreted by keratinocytes, fibroblasts and endothelial cells act stimulating melanogenesis on melanocytes. The aim of this research was to find a novel synergy between compounds to effectively treat skin hyperpigmentation conditions such as melasma. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) algorithm was used to select the best combinations among 12 selected depigmenting compounds. The proposed combination of compounds by artificial intelligence had a synergistic effect in vitro. The combination reduced the levels of COX-2 and ET-1 in fibroblasts. The combination also inhibited αMSH-induced dendricity in melanocytes. Finally, the combination significantly reduced pigmentation in a reconstructed human epidermis model after 8 days of treatment. This combination of compounds shows promising results for the treatment of skin hyperpigmentation conditions such as melasma by regulating the key pathways involved in its pathogenesis (inflammatory, vascular and hormonal pathways).


Melasma, Synergy, Vascular, Inflammation, Hormonal

Research areas

Biological Sciences, Pharmacy and Pharmacology


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Competing interests
All authors work for the company mesoestetic Pharma Group. s.l.
Data availability statement
The datasets generated during and / or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Creative Commons license
Copyright © 2023 Martínez-Gutiérrez et al. This is an open access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Martínez-Gutiérrez, A., Pena-Rodríguez, E., Gómez-Escalante, S., González, M., Luis, L. Novel synergistic combination of active ingredients for melasma topical therapy [not peer reviewed]. Peeref 2023 (poster).
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