Submit your poster

Publish your work and gain feedback from the international research community.

Please review the Peeref Author Guidelines and FAQs before submitting your poster.

Peeref Author Guidelines

Peeref is a multidisciplinary platform that supports open science communication and publishing. Peeref has a diamond open access policy and is committed to a publication system that allows free access to published content, whilst also removing publication fees. Peeref allows users to share their work openly, so they can gain feedback from the international research community. Through sharing and other tools available on Peeref, you can learn about breakthroughs in your field and identify potential collaborators.

1. General Content Guidelines

The sections below provide essential information for authors, and we recommend you read them before submitting a contribution to Peeref. For information not found in the following sections, please review our Terms & Conditions.

1.1. Eligible Content for Publication on Peeref

Peeref publishes scholarly posters covering all academic disciplines. We accept posters in all languages. Peeref accepts posters presented at previous scientific conferences and meetings, including posters that directly relate to previous and/or future publications. We also accept posters from institutional or industry events. Other publishing formats may be considered in the future.

1.2. Publishing Model – Diamond Open Access

Peeref has a diamond open access policy, which allows users free access to published content, in addition to no publication costs. With diamond open access, content can be accessed freely, by anyone. Submitting a poster for publication is completely free for authors, and accessing content is completely free for readers. Authors retain copyright to their work, as Peeref publishes posters under a CC-BY 4.0 license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

2. Submission Guidelines

2.1. Poster Submission

Peeref offers fast and transparent publishing of posters, so access to your research is no longer limited to conference or meeting attendees. Submit your poster via our online submission system, which guides you stepwise through the process of entering your poster details and uploading your files. If you have any questions, please email

2.2. Submission Checklist

For poster submission, please ensure the following items are present. Please check the relevant section in these Guidelines for more details.

Submission Checklist:

  • One author must be designated as the corresponding author with an email address provided. Note that posters can only be uploaded by registered Peeref users (sign up here), and an ORCID iD must be provided upon submission.
  • All necessary files and information are provided:
    • Poster file (required) and supplemental documents (optional)
    • Poster details
      • Poster title
      • Author names and affiliations
      • Conference / event / meeting information
      • Keywords
      • Poster summary
      • References
  • Relevant research areas
  • Declarations and statements (funding and data availability information, conflicts of interest, licensing agreements)
2.3. Accepted Formats and Screening

Peeref accepts scholarly posters in PDF format (maximum size of 10 MB). Once received, poster submissions undergo our basic screening checks and are posted to Peeref within 24-48 hours.

Authors are welcome to upload additional files as supplementary material for their poster (e.g., published manuscripts, videos, data, figures). Before uploading previously published documents, please review the conditions of your publisher.

2.4. ORCID iD

The submitting author must provide their ORCID iD to publish a contribution on Peeref. Peeref supports the use of ORCID iDs where possible. For this reason, it is mandatory that the submitting author completes their submission using an ORCID iD. If you do not have an ORCID iD, the process is quick, easy and incurs no cost. Submitting authors can register for an ORCID iD during the poster submission process, or via your Dashboard at any time. Learn more about ORCID.Learn more about ORCID.

2.5. Author Information

During submission, please enter all authors in the order they appear on your poster. Designate the corresponding authors as appropriate, providing an email address for each corresponding author. Co-authors who are not corresponding authors may provide email addresses, but this is not required.

All authors must have an affiliation provided as part of submission.

2.6. Presentation Details

Details of the conference, meeting or event the poster is associated with must be provided during the submission process. Provide the name of the conference, meeting or event, as well as the meeting location and date (month and year). If the event was virtual (i.e., fully virtual, no in-person option), please check the “virtual” option on the submission.

2.7. Poster Summary and Keywords

A Poster Summary is required for submission. The Poster Summary cannot be a copy of the abstract used for conference submission. The Poster Summary should briefly state (100 words maximum) the purpose of the research, the primary results and the major conclusions.

Authors are required to provide 3 keywords (6 maximum).

2.8. References

There are no strict formatting requirements for references at submission, although references are limited to 10 per poster. Authors are encouraged to list the references cited in their poster. References can be in any style or format as long as the style is consistent.

2.9. Research Areas

During the submission process, authors may select up to 5 research areas that align best with their research discipline; at least 1 research area must be selected.

2.10. Declarations and Statements
2.10.1. Competing Interests

Authors must declare any potential conflicting interests arising from personal, financial or professional/academic relationships or dependencies that may have influenced their objectivity or professional judgment. Authors should declare any conflicting interests in the poster submission form.

2.10.2. Data Availability

Peeref requires authors to include a Data Availability Statement, documenting where the data used in their poster can be found. Authors should check the relevant statement in the poster submission form, providing the persistent link to their dataset if appropriate.

2.11. Licensing and DOI Information

Posters are published under a CC-BY 4.0 license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and leaves the copyright with the current copyright holder (typically the author or their institution).

Posters published on Peeref receive a digital object identifier, or DOI. Once a poster submission is reviewed by our in-house team and the content is confirmed to meet the requirements and scope of Peeref, it will be assigned a DOI. DOI assignment typically takes 24-48 hours.

Posters can only be removed from Peeref before being assigned a permanent DOI. Once the content has been assigned a DOI, the poster cannot be removed from the platform.

2.12. Citation

Please use the following format to cite posters on Peeref:

Smith, J., Koerck, F., and Blush, W. Poster title [not peer reviewed]. Peeref 2022 (poster). [doi]

3. Ethical Standards and Policies

3.1. Peer Review and Policies

Peeref does not conduct peer review on posters prior to posting, and therefore all posters published on Peeref are not peer reviewed. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that all research is conducted in accordance with the appropriate ethical standards relevant to the specific research discipline. We strongly recommend that authors abide by good scientific practice and publishing standards for content posted on Peeref.

For posters that include information that can potentially identify an individual, it is the authors’ responsibility to have obtained informed consent from all individuals confirming that the results and any accompanying images can be published. This is relevant to large clinical datasets with direct or indirect identifiers, clinical images or identifiable data, or any specific details about individuals.

Publication of a poster on Peeref does not imply endorsement of the methods and ethical standards. If a case of suspected research or publication misconduct is brought to our attention, we will follow the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

3.2. Withdrawal and Removal Policy

Peeref reserves the right to retract and remove content from the platform that is found to be inappropriate and/or fraudulent. Please see our Terms & Conditions for further information.

3.3. Commenting Policies

Commenters are encouraged to provide their name to increase transparency in post-publication review. Comments should be professional and constructive. Any comment considered offensive, inappropriate or written in a disrespectful manner may be removed.

Commenting Guidelines

  • Insulting, inflammatory, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
  • Comments should be evidence-based, not authority-based. Unsupported assertions or statements should be avoided.
  • Discussions should be confined to the demonstrable content of the poster and should avoid speculation about the motivations or prejudices of authors.
  • Concerned users should contact directly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

My poster contains published work. Is this a problem?

Please include references to the published studies cited on your poster by including the relevant references on the poster submission form.

What if I intend to publish the data on my poster as a manuscript in a journal?

If you intend to submit work contained in your poster to a journal, we advise you to contact the publisher to check their prepublication policies.

What peer review process does Peeref employ?

Posters on Peeref have not been formally peer reviewed, although some posters may have been presented at conferences, meetings or events. As such, the work presented on a poster may be preliminary in nature.

How can I contact a poster's author?

You can contact an author directly by clicking the 'Ask a Question' button on the poster details page. You can also invite other colleagues, peers or individuals to view the poster by clicking “Share with colleagues” and entering their email address(es) to start a discussion.

I found inappropriate or offensive material on a poster. What should I do?

Please flag the inappropriate content. Peeref will remove all inappropriate content as soon as possible. Contact

Why has my poster been retracted?

Posters will only be retracted if they are found to violate any of the guidelines herein, the Peeref Terms of Use, or relevant research or publishing ethics applicable to the publication.