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Are Uber passengers changing to bike? Evidence from a natural experiment

Are Uber passengers changing to bike? Evidence from a natural experiment

Published: March 14, 2023
Zombor Berezvai, Barna Bakó, Isztin Péter et al.
Geographical expansion and innovation patterns related to the performance of FMCG retailers

Geographical expansion and innovation patterns related to the performance of FMCG retailers

Published: March 14, 2023
Zombor Berezvai, Irma Agárdi, Mónika Anetta Alt
A tale of two cancers: managing dual synchronous primary endocrine malignancies

A tale of two cancers: managing dual synchronous primary endocrine malignancies

Published: December 02, 2022
Anushree Vartak, Prashant Gupta, Pradeep Jaiswal et al.
Exploring the molecular mechanism of PIP2-regulated sterol transport by StarD4

Exploring the molecular mechanism of PIP2-regulated sterol transport by StarD4

Published: November 30, 2022
Hengyi Xie, Ambrose Plante, Ekaterina Kots et al.
Role of aspirin in the prevention of preeclampsia

Role of aspirin in the prevention of preeclampsia

Published: November 08, 2022
Kruthica J.G, Iyshwarya B K, Ramakrishnan V
A possible role of arsenic exposure in diabetes and obesity

A possible role of arsenic exposure in diabetes and obesity

Published: November 03, 2022
Abinaya Girisankar Prema, Iyshwarya Bhaskar Kalarani, Ramakrishnan Veerabathiran
Metabolic complications associated with lipodystrophic obesity and diabetes

Metabolic complications associated with lipodystrophic obesity and diabetes

Published: November 03, 2022
Kruthica Jaganathan Geethalakshmi, Iyshwarya Bhaskar Kalarani, Ramakrishnan Veerabathiran

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