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A tale of two cancers: managing dual synchronous primary endocrine malignancies

PUBLISHED December 02, 2022 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.54985/peeref.2212p6102995)



Anushree Vartak1 , Prashant Gupta1 , Pradeep Jaiswal1 , Vijay Pratap Singh1 , Harish Murthy1 , Naveen Kumar Kushwaha1 , Raja Bhagat Chandra Chowdhary1
  1. Army Hospital (R&R), India

Conference / event

ABSICON (Association of Breast Surgeons of India Conference) 2022, August 2022 (Hyderabad, India)

Poster summary

Dual primary malignancies are an uncommon and complex challenge. We share our experience of managing two such cases. A 29-yr-old female with nonfunctional left adrenal incidentaloma was advised follow up. 1 year later she reported skin changes, nipple retraction and left breast lump. Relevant radiological and pathological evaluation revealed ER/PR negative, Her2neu positive metastatic(cT4bN1M1) breast cancer and adrenocortical carcinoma(ACC) which was discussed in multidisciplinary tumor board and targeted chemotherapy was given for 6 cycles followed by excision of nonfunctional ACC. Another 49-year-old asymptomatic female with screen-detected lesions in right breast and left adrenal gland. Biopsy, Adrenal protocol CECT Abdomen, DOTANOC PET, CEMRI brain and biochemical tests revealed ER/PR+, Her2neu negative, Grade1 early breast carcinoma(cT1N0M0) and secreting pheochromocytoma. She was managed with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and alpha blockade followed by Mastectomy with ALND and left adrenalectomy.


Dual primary, Synchronous, Endocrine, Malignancy, Breast

Research areas

Medicine, Biological Sciences


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No competing interests were disclosed.
Data availability statement
Data sharing not applicable to this poster as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.
Creative Commons license
Copyright © 2022 Vartak et al. This is an open access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Vartak, A., Gupta, P., Jaiswal, P., Singh, V., Murthy, H., Kushwaha, N., Chowdhary, R. A tale of two cancers: managing dual synchronous primary endocrine malignancies [not peer reviewed]. Peeref 2022 (poster).
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