Harwinder Sidhu

United States Research


Commented on Preclinical models for precision oncology
Nicely summarised! Precision modeling is the future of drug discovery.


Commented on In vivo base editing rescues Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome in mice
Interesting article! I loved the fact they used ABE's to create AT -->CG mutation.


Commented on COVID-19 Transmission and Children: The Child is Not to Blame
Ever since the pandemic started radio and tv news have been warning of covid transmission by kids, acting as carriers. Interesting article on how parents or older people contracted covid before the kids and not through them.


Commented on Naturalizing mouse models for immunology
Interesting article! Reminds me of another Nature article "Squeaky clean mice could be ruining research".


Commented on Activation of CAR and non-CAR T cells within the tumor microenvironment following CAR T cell therapy
This is a very interesting article on CAR-T cells where the researchers are examining what happens after administering CAR-T therapy in the patients. Should have rated as 4 stars in novelty.


Commented on Subcutaneous infection of a cat by Colletotrichum species
Strawberry anthracnose is also caused by Colletotrichum spp. But it does not affect humans.


Commented on Minimalism in oncology
Interesting article on re-evaluating the dosage requirements of some mainstream oncology medicines.


Commented on LAB ANIMAL
Nature journal dedicated to in-vivo research and animal welfare. Its latest issue (published 25 Feb2021) has an article titled "Pass the Micropipette" featuring the use of micropipettes for dosing mice in the hope of replacing Intraperitoneal Injections (IP) with the aim of reducing IP hold-related stress in animals. Very interesting approach!


Commented on Temper Italy's strict lab-animal law
Xenotransplantation is risky but also useful in early drug development research studies. I do wonder what the alternatives are?


Commented on When is a lab animal not a lab animal?
An informative article on turtle fibropapillomatosis caused by a combination of turtle-targeting herpesvirus (Chelonid herpesvirus 5) and environmental triggers. This article mentions "The Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience and Sea Turtle Hospital"- of its kind locally and federally regulated hospital/research facility based in Florida catering to wildlife.


Commented on Global human-made mass exceeds all living biomass
wow, mind-boggling article on how man-made mass has reduced the plant biomass by almost half and exceeds all living biomass.


Commented on The skin microbiome
It is an interesting piece funded by Unilever. The fact that the skin microbiome is easily accessible makes it a better study target than the human gut microbiome. According to this article, the gut microbiome is seeded at birth. but. continue to evolve till after puberty. I wonder how much does the outside environment affects it.


Commented on Is gardening associated with greater happiness of urban residents? A multi-activity, dynamic assessment in the Twin-Cities region, USA
interesting to note that indoor gardening promotes high emotional well-being similar to walking and biking!.


Commented on Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
I have been following this journal for a little over five years now...they have some interesting articles. I remember reading a section on CRISPR in this journal back in 2014. On the downside, it has too little content.


Commented on Risks of ischaemic heart disease and stroke in meat eaters, fish eaters, and vegetarians over 18 years of follow-up: results from the prospective EPIC-Oxford study
Interesting to see vegetarian/vegan diet can lead to strokes possibly due to low cholesterol levels. I wonder if there are vegetarian fatty food options to address this, such as the inclusion of coconut oil in the diet perhaps? Though caution is still needed: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/coconut-oil/