4.6 Article

Global human-made mass exceeds all living biomass


Volume 588, Issue 7838, Pages 442-+


DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-3010-5




  1. European Research Council (Project NOVCARBFIX) [646827]
  2. Beck-Canadian Center for Alternative Energy Research
  3. Ullmann Family Foundation
  4. Helmsley Charitable Foundation
  5. Larson Charitable Foundation
  6. Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
  7. European Research Council (ERC) [646827] Funding Source: European Research Council (ERC)

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Estimates of global total biomass (the mass of all living things) and anthopogenic mass (the mass embedded in inanimate objects made by humans) over time show that we are roughly at the timepoint when anthropogenic mass exceeds total biomass. Humanity has become a dominant force in shaping the face of Earth(1-9). An emerging question is how the overall material output of human activities compares to the overall natural biomass. Here we quantify the human-made mass, referred to as 'anthropogenic mass', and compare it to the overall living biomass on Earth, which currently equals approximately 1.1 teratonnes(10,11). We find that Earth is exactly at the crossover point; in the year 2020 (+/- 6), the anthropogenic mass, which has recently doubled roughly every 20 years, will surpass all global living biomass. On average, for each person on the globe, anthropogenic mass equal to more than his or her bodyweight is produced every week. This quantification of the human enterprise gives a mass-based quantitative and symbolic characterization of the human-induced epoch of the Anthropocene.


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