Čedomir Stevčić

Serbia n/a


Commented on Effects of Sesame Consumption on Inflammatory Biomarkers in Humans: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
This meta-analysis of seven studies on the anti-inflammatory effects of sesame consumption showed that eating sesame seeds decreased some inflammatory biomarkers.


Commented on A randomized, triple‐blind, placebo‐controlled clinical trial, evaluating the sesamin supplement effects on proteolytic enzymes, inflammatory markers, and clinical indices in women with rheumatoid arthritis
This study discovered that supplementation with sesamin decreased inflammatory biomarkers in women with rheumatoid arthritis and it also decreased pain.


Commented on High dose melatonin increases sleep duration during nighttime and daytime sleep episodes in older adults
This small study of 24 healthy adults aged 55 and older shows that 5 mg of melatonin increased total sleep time compared to placebo by more than 15 minutes for nighttime sleep and by half an hour for daytime sleep.


Commented on Rescue of behavioral and electrophysiological phenotypes in a Pitt-Hopkins syndrome mouse model by genetic restoration of Tcf4 expression
This study shows that gene therapy (i.e. restoring lost gene activity) may be able to prevent or reverse many deleterious effects of Pitt-Hopkins syndrome, which is a rare, single-gene neurodevelopmental condition.


Commented on The impact of digital media on children’s intelligence while controlling for genetic differences in cognition and socioeconomic background
Swedish researchers discovered that playing video games boosted children’s intelligence by 2.5 IQ points, but TV watching or social media had no impact. Moreover, action video game players had higher hand-eye coordination and visuomotor abilities than nonplayers.


Commented on Early life infection and proinflammatory, atherogenic metabolomic and lipidomic profiles in infancy: a population-based cohort study
This study found that multiple infections in infancy (elevated inflammation markers and changes in metabolism) could put adults at a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, and type 2 diabetes; thus, it opened the door to targeted intervention.


Commented on Inflammatory response in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells triggered by activating SHP2 mutations evokes blood defects
This study identified a possible target by using anti-inflammatories for treating juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML), which is a highly aggressive blood cancer and most common in children younger than 4 years.


Commented on H3K4 methylation by SETD1A/BOD1L facilitates RIF1-dependent NHEJ
This study discovered a new way in which cancer cells can repair DNA damage by pinpointing two proteins (SETD1A and BOD1L) that had not previously been identified in the DNA repair process. Hence, these findings provide an understanding of how cancer cells react to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and also uncover a new way in which cancer can become resistant to targeted treatments


Commented on Microbiota alterations in proline metabolism impact depression
Meat-eaters are more prone to depression than plant-eaters. This study done in humans, mice, and flies shows that elevated plasma levels and a diet rich in the amino acid proline (non-essential amino acid found in grass-fed beef, pasture-raised chicken, gelatin, bone broth, organ meats like liver, and cage-free egg yolks) cause a more severe state of depression.


Commented on Association of locus coeruleus integrity with Braak stage and neuropsychiatric symptom severity in Alzheimer’s disease
This study shows a new neuroimaging technique that might be used to enable large-scale screenings for Alzheimer’s and it may also provide insights into the disease’s early stages before symptoms appear. Hence, this discovery may help guide targeted drug development in the future and prepare the way for a practical and less-invasive screening method for Alzheimer’s disease.


Commented on Migratory and anti-fibrotic programmes define the regenerative potential of human cardiac progenitors
This study shows that treatment with cardiac progenitor cells can lead to the formation of functional heart cells in damaged areas after a heart attack. Clinical trials should begin within the next two years.


Commented on To what extent does confounding explain the association between breastfeeding duration and cognitive development up to age 14? Findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study
This UK study analyzed data on 7,855 infants born during 2000-2002 and followed until age 14, and the results showed that longer breastfeeding durations are associated with higher verbal and spatial cognitive scores during childhood (i.e. at ages 5 through 14). Even after adjusting for socioeconomics and maternal intelligence, there is a modest association between breastfeeding duration and cognitive scores.


Call for a Special issue on “Contribution of specific lipids and lysosomal membrane properties to LMP, autophagy and inflammation” in the journal ⋘Inhalation Toxicology⋙ by 30th November 2022. This special issue focuses on assembling original research, critical reviews, and white papers that will provide needed new information to better describe events and tools to measure events at the particle/membrane interface in order to develop potential novel therapeutics. Link: 🔗https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues/inhalation-toxicology/?_gl=1*drncw9*_ga*MTY3MTA2MzcxMi4xNjUwNTUxMTU0*_ga_0HYE8YG0M6*MTY1NDY4MjYyOS45LjAuMTY1NDY4MjYyOS4w🔗


Call for a Special issue on “Federated Learning for Blockchain Assisted IoT Systems: Architecture, Algorithms, And Applications” in the journal ⋘ Connection Science⋙ by 10th October 2022. This special issue focuses on topics such as: Federated Learning (FL) for blockchain-powered edge intelligence for secure data transfer; a framework for federated learning in blockchain assisted Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT); methods to overcome scalability issues in FL based IoT secured by blockchain technologies; innovative solutions for addressing system heterogeneity in pervasive mobile devices using FL and blockchain technologies; development of an optimum resource allocation algorithm for FL in blockchain assisted IoT applications; etc. Link: 🔗https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues/connection-science-federated-learning/?_gl=1*ifn2jh*_ga*MTY3MTA2MzcxMi4xNjUwNTUxMTU0*_ga_0HYE8YG0M6*MTY1NDY4MjYyOS45LjAuMTY1NDY4MjYyOS4w🔗


Commented on Gut Microbes
Call for a Special issue on “The gut microbiota and pain” in the journal ⋘Gut Microbes⋙ by 30th November 2022. This special issue focuses on mechanisms of somatic and visceral pain modulated by microbes; microbiome-neuro-immune interactions; preclinical models and clinical issues related to microbial regulation of pain; and novel biotherapeutic approaches that target pain and neuro-immune pathways. Link: 🔗https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues/gut-microbes-microbiota/?_gl=1*ifn2jh*_ga*MTY3MTA2MzcxMi4xNjUwNTUxMTU0*_ga_0HYE8YG0M6*MTY1NDY4MjYyOS45LjAuMTY1NDY4MjYyOS4w🔗