Gokhan Serin

Turkey Independent researcher


Commented on The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 and Restrictive Measures in the World
One of the interesting results of the study is that among social media users, those who use 1-2 hours a day are in the low-risk category in terms of the effects of Covid-19 and restrictive measures on psychology.


Commented on High-stakes examinations during the COVID-19 pandemic: to proceed or not to proceed, that is the question
An example of a high-stakes examination conducted remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic in medical education.


Commented on COVID-19 and Higher Education: First-Year Students’ Expectations toward Distance Learning
Research indicates that students' self-efficacy is related to distance education. So, in my opinion, to increase efficiency in distance education, activities that will trigger students' self-efficacy can be included in course design.


Commented on Practices and Theories: How Can Machine Learning Assist in Innovative Assessment Practices in Science Education
The use of machine learning in innovative assessment practices and its potential in science education is well presented.


Commented on Assessing Mandatory Stay‐at‐Home and Business Closure Effects on the Spread of COVID‐19
A surprising finding. Mandatory stay‐at‐home and business closures have no significant benefit on the Covid-19 case growth.


Commented on Recovery scenario and immunity in COVID-19 disease: A new strategy to predict the potential of reinfection
A guiding study on vaccination not only for individuals but also for policymakers. I hope it will be taken into account.


Commented on Recovery scenario and immunity in COVID-19 disease: A new strategy to predict the potential of reinfection
I thought infected people did not need to get the Covid-19 vaccine. However, this article divides the infected cases into four groups and states that some groups of infected people still need to be vaccinated.


Commented on Dalbavancin: novel candidate for COVID-19 treatment
Scientific developments in alternative treatment methods other than vaccines for Covid-19 are promising.


Commented on Model-informed COVID-19 vaccine prioritization strategies by age and serostatus
What strategy do countries prefer? Is there any country that primarily vaccinates adults aged 20-49, aiming to block transmission of the Covid-19 virus?


Commented on Development of Psychological Problems Among Adolescents During School Closures Because of the COVID-19 Lockdown Phase in Italy: A Cross-Sectional Survey
The next step is to consider what to do for adolescents psychologically affected by school closures due to Covid-19 lockdown. I am curious about the results of the survey if it is administered when the schools reopened.


Commented on Building public trust: a response to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy predicament
After summarizing the reasons for Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy, the paper suggests possible solutions to minimize this issue. Building public trust is emphasized as a key solution and how can it be ensured is discussed. There are points that authorities should take into account.


Commented on Trustworthiness before Trust — Covid-19 Vaccine Trials and the Black Community
The paper points out threat to validity and generability of the vaccine trial results due to lack of subgroups in vaccine trials. The paper states that lower participation of the subgroup in Covid-19 trials is more associated with lack of trust to health care system. Several suggestions were made to get increased trust. I wonder if this trust problem persists in subgroups and society with start of vaccination?


Commented on Change of Willingness to Accept COVID-19 Vaccine and Reasons of Vaccine Hesitancy of Working People at Different Waves of Local Epidemic in Hong Kong, China: Repeated Cross-Sectional Surveys
In what direction will the rate of acceptance of Covid-19 vaccine change in the society after the vaccination is started? It would be great to continue this cross-sectional survey in this context.


Commented on Tips and Tools for Teaching Organic Synthesis Online
A study indicating the usability of artificial intelligence technology in online instruction.


Commented on Writing for publication‐ implications of text recycling and cut and paste writing
Some misconceptions about plagiarism are well documented.