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Sexual debut and the number of sexual partners in emerging adulthood

Sexual debut and the number of sexual partners in emerging adulthood

Published: July 03, 2023
Carson Dover, Corinne Archibald-Sato, Brian Willoughby
Structural analysis of Ru/Ce1-xZrxO2 catalysts for the carbon dioxide methanation

Structural analysis of Ru/Ce1-xZrxO2 catalysts for the carbon dioxide methanation

Published: July 03, 2023
Nadezhda Kharchenko, Vera Pakharukova, Anna Gorlova et al.
The effect of a new bionanocomposite packaging film on postharvest quality of strawberry at modified atmosphere condition

The effect of a new bionanocomposite packaging film on postharvest quality of strawberry at modified atmosphere condition

Published: June 30, 2023
Hassan Yousefnia Pasha, Seyed Saeid Mohtasebi, Reza Tabatabaeekoloor et al.
Single photon imaging in the shortwave infrared

Single photon imaging in the shortwave infrared

Published: June 30, 2023
Osian Wolley, Simon Mekhail, Paul-Antoine Moreau et al.

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