Gloria Bartolo

United States Keck Graduate Institute


Commented on Cat Got Your Spleen? Hepatosplenic Bartonella Infection
Is it known why patients older than 60 present atypical symptoms of the cat-scratch disease? Or is it thought to be linked to an aging immune system?


Commented on Disseminated Mycobacterium malmoense Infection in a Cat
Was it known where the cat may have gotten the infection?


Commented on Human Diphtheria Infection From a Cat Bite
I may have missed this, but Corynebacterium ulcerans also produce the diphtheria toxin?


Commented on Detection of dog and cat traces in food, pet food and farm animal feed by real-time PCR
Good to know cat/dog traces were not found in the samples tested!


Commented on Farm cat survey
Are surveys such as these administered periodically, and in other areas where farm cat populations exist?


Commented on Cat Scratch Neuroretinitis
What percentage of patients develop osteomyelitis or encephalitis?


Commented on The Paralyzed Cat
Great review about the various spinal cord diseases in cats. Gives great detail about the clinical signs of specific diseases, and which types of diseases manifest in younger cats or older ones.


Commented on Cat peptide antigen desensitisation for treating cat allergic rhinoconjunctivitis
Does this mean cats would need to be readministered the shot after 2 years?


Commented on Everett’s cat
Super creative! Love R. P. Sand's inspiration for the story


Commented on Cat nap
“I sleep to avoid being eaten by lions.” - Great line, totally going to use that next time!


Commented on A wildlife refuge for killer whales?
Definitely, an issue to seriously consider for orcas currently in captivity.


Commented on Killer Whales Earn Their Name
Seems like orcas may have many effects on other ocean species, and a few land species as well. Magnificent!


Commented on Contact Chemoreceptors Mediate Male-Male Repulsion and Male-Female Attraction during Drosophila Courtship
The role of chemosensory in courtship is complex yet very important, as illustrated here.


Commented on Subunits of the GPI transamidase complex localize to the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope in Drosophila
How many PIG genes are localized to the nuclear envelope?