Wai Lo

United States UConn


Commented on New Adjuvant Drug for Lung Cancer
A new adjuvant treatment, osimertinib (Tagrisso), has been approved for patients with non-small cell lung cancer whose tumors have certain mutations.


Commented on Lung cancer survivors need lung cancer screening
Surveillance of lung cancer patients after surgery involves screening for early disease detection, and it's most effective when targeting high-risk groups, such as former smokers identified by studies like the National Lung Screening Trial, which showed that early intervention after CT screening improved cure rates for smaller tumors compared to larger ones. There's no need for additional costly randomized trials; a common-sense approach can apply lessons from smoker screening studies to post-lung cancer patients.


Commented on Advancing racial and ethnic equity in health
The article underscores racism as a globally pertinent public health emergency, detailing the intensified worldwide scrutiny and actions toward confronting its roots and impacts since June 2020, and introduces a special issue of The Lancet that congregates substantial evidence and analysis aimed at promoting racial and ethnic equity in science, medicine, and health, without proposing facile solutions but establishing crucial principles to navigate future thought and endeavors.


Commented on Providers Perspectives on Racial Equity
In a study examining prenatal care providers' views on the necessity and strategy for racial equity training, most providers acknowledged the critical need for such training to enhance black women's reproductive health outcomes, emphasizing a hands-on, action-oriented approach that addresses racism, includes system-level accountabilities, and covers vital topics like racism in the U.S., racial disparities in maternal/neonatal outcomes, and experiences of women and providers. Providers advocated for ongoing, practical training and systemic mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement and accountability in delivering more equitable care to black women.


Commented on Classroom Equity Data Inquiry for Racial Equity
The paper explores Classroom Equity Data Inquiry (CEDI) as a tool for enhancing faculty professional learning and promoting equitable student outcomes, detailing a case study where an educator used CEDI to assess and address equity gaps in an ESL classroom over six years, which involved analyzing disaggregated data, reflecting on equity gaps, and implementing interventions that notably improved success and retention rates, particularly for Hispanic and multi-race males, and advocating for further research and support for this approach in addressing racial equity at the classroom level.


Commented on Engaging Racial Equity
The article delves into the emergence of a pentecostal political theology that intertwines the pursuit of racial equity and justice with early Black-led interracial movements, guided by a theology of just-power and possibly utilizing equity as a hermeneutic to reinterpret Scripture, thereby seeking to dismantle existing systems of racial injustice and establish new structures that promote racial justice in both church and society.


Commented on Space Exploration and Astrophysics
Missions to Mars and the potential for human colonization.


Commented on Transduction for Pheromones in the Main Olfactory Epithelium Is Mediated by the Ca2+-Activated Channel TRPM5
A subset of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in mice, specifically those expressing the TRPM5 channel, has been found to respond to putative pheromones and distinct olfactory signals, such as urine and major histocompatibility complex peptides, without reacting to conventional odors or pheromones recognized by other species, utilizing a unique transduction mechanism. Interestingly, these TRPM5-expressing OSNs employ calcium (Ca2+) gating of TRPM5, diverging from the regular OSNs transduction mechanism which involves Ca2+ gating of Cl- channels.


Commented on Completion of the human papillomavirus vaccine series among insured females between 2006 and 2009
The study reveals a concerning decline in the completion rates of the HPV vaccine series among insured young females in the United States, particularly in the targeted age groups of 9-12 and 13-18 years. Obstetricians/gynecologists demonstrated higher vaccine administration rates in comparison to other healthcare providers, underscoring an imperative for all physicians to emphasize the vital importance of concluding the three-dose vaccine regimen to their patients to robustly guard against HPV-associated anogenital cancers.


Commented on Common Disease Is More Complex Than Implied by the Core Gene Omnigenic Model
Most adult-onset diseases have a complex genetic foundation, supported by various backup mechanisms. While the "omnigenic" model suggests a few core genes are key to each disease, this may oversimplify the issue, and research should prioritize patient-specific understanding for precision medicine.


Commented on Heart failure outcomes and Covid-19
Pre-existing heart failure (HF) in COVID-19 patients significantly increases the risk of mortality, and COVID-19 itself can cause widespread cardiac and endothelial injury, potentially leading to new-onset HF. Long-term monitoring and proactive HF management, along with prioritized vaccination, are essential for patients with known HF during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


Commented on Heart failure and COVID-19
Heart failure is a common issue that can arise at various stages in COVID-19 patients, presenting unique challenges for diagnosis and management. Abnormal cardiac biomarkers in COVID-19 may result from factors such as viral entry, direct cardiac injury, and cytokine storms, making it crucial to consider interactions between heart failure medications and COVID-19 treatments for optimal patient care.


Commented on Concept of companies
This is good to learn some fundamental aspects of companies, but keep in mind that the specific rules and regulations governing companies can vary by jurisdiction, and different types of companies (e.g., sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies) may have distinct characteristics.


Commented on Building a Career Reputation through Content Creation – Sharing Opportunities on Peeref
Any "ask me anything" session for this webinar?