Journal Title
ACS Materials Letters

ACS Materials Lett.

2639-4979 / 2639-4979
Aims and Scope
ACS Materials Letters publishes high quality and urgent papers on the forefront of fundamental and applied research, at the interface between materials and other disciplines, such as chemistry, engineering and biology. Papers that showcase multidisciplinary and innovative materials research addressing global challenges are especially welcome. Submissions to ACS Materials Letters should clearly justify the need for rapid disclosure of key results. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

Design, synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of forefront and emerging materials
Understand structure, property, performance relationships and their underlying mechanisms
Develop materials for energy, environmental, biomedical, electronic, and catalysis applications
ACS Materials Letters is dedicated to publishing the most transformative materials research with very fast processing times. Journal editors and staff routinely attend major scientific conferences and closely engage with readers and authors. The journal will maintain an active presence on social media to offer our authors great visibility.
Subject Area


13.60 View Trend
CiteScore Ranking
Category Quartile Rank
Chemical Engineering - General Chemical Engineering Q1 #17/272
Chemical Engineering - Biomedical Engineering Q1 #21/277
Chemical Engineering - General Materials Science Q1 #41/453
Web of Science Core Collection
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
Indexed -
Category (Journal Citation Reports 2023) Quartile
Country/Area of Publication
American Chemical Society
Publication Frequency
Year Publication Started
Annual Article Volume
Open Access
Verified Reviews
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.
After two months of review, my paper in the AM series was rejected. The reviewers' comments were completely off the mark, but my boss kept emphasizing his belief in the quality of my work and told me not to be discouraged. Graduation is imminent, and although I already have a paper in a Tier 1 journal, I still feel that as a chemistry graduate student, it is not perfect without a paper in an ACS journal. So, I gathered my spirits and reorganized my thoughts, rewriting the entire article. I felt that the innovation was highlighted once again.

After my boss read it, he suggested choosing between ACS Nano and ACS Materials Letters. After reading the journal profiles, I felt that Nano is more established but has limited space. ACS Materials Letters is positioned as the flagship journal for ACS materials and is known for its rapid publication. I decided to give it a try. I was delighted to receive the editor's approval, and the review process took about a little over a month, which was acceptable. There were three reviewers, all very professional, and their questions were on point. They all gave evaluations in the top 15%. I felt that ACS Materials Letters has high requirements for the novelty of the article and maintains a high quality standard, which aligns with the journal's materials focus. I heard that the real-time impact factor has already exceeded 15, indicating its potential. I will definitely consider submitting to it again if I have good work in the future.
The head of the research group said that ACS Materials Letters is on par with AM, so I submitted what I thought was a very good work to ACS Materials Letters. The process was quite complicated, but in the end, it got accepted. The impact factor for this year is only 8.3, which is much lower than expected. I feel like I made a bit of a loss by submitting it there. My boss consoled me by saying that ACS journals have high quality and will be recognized for funding applications in the future. Well, I can only console myself like this. I hope ACS Materials Letters will further improve, at least to be on par with AFM. Otherwise, I will truly feel frustrated.

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