Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture

Journal Title
Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture


2196-5641 / 2196-5641
Aims and Scope
Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed forum for the advancement and application to all fields of agriculture of modern chemical, biochemical and molecular technologies. The scope of this journal includes chemical and biochemical processes aimed to increase sustainable agricultural and food production, the evaluation of quality and origin of raw primary products and their transformation into foods and chemicals, as well as environmental monitoring and remediation. Of special interest are the effects of chemical and biochemical technologies, also at the nano and supramolecular scale, on the relationships between soil, plants, microorganisms and their environment, with the help of modern bioinformatics. Another special focus is the use of modern bioorganic and biological chemistry to develop new technologies for plant nutrition and bio-stimulation, advancement of biorefineries from biomasses, safe and traceable food products, carbon storage in soil and plants and restoration of contaminated soils to agriculture.

This journal presents the first opportunity to bring together researchers from a wide number of disciplines within the agricultural chemical and biological sciences, from both industry and academia. The principle aim of Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture is to allow the exchange of the most advanced chemical and biochemical knowledge to develop technologies which address one of the most pressing challenges of our times - sustaining a growing world population.

Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture publishes original research articles, short letters and invited reviews. Articles from scientists in industry, academia as well as private research institutes, non-governmental and environmental organizations are encouraged.
Subject Area


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CiteScore Ranking
Category Quartile Rank
Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Agronomy and Crop Science Q1 #53/376
Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Food Science Q1 #65/359
Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Biotechnology Q2 #98/299
Agricultural and Biological Sciences - Biochemistry Q2 #172/428
Web of Science Core Collection
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
Indexed -
Category (Journal Citation Reports 2023) Quartile
Country/Area of Publication
Springer International Publishing
Year Publication Started
Annual Article Volume
Open Access
ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004
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