Harwinder Sidhu

United States Research


Commented on Ankyrin-B Defects
Interesting article on serendipity discovery of a Ankryin-B gene mutation in a remote population in the Skeena river in Northern Coastal British Columbia.


Commented on SDS-PAGE
Nicely written article with answers to commonly asked questions about SDS-PAGE technique.


Commented on Bridge to Independence Award
Excellent opportunity for tenure track faculty or trainees with an MD or PhD degree to study autism and neuroscience.


Commented on Hair color modulates skin appearance
Interesting article on how hair color seems to change the appearance of the skin. In darker backgrounds, the skin appeared less wrinkled and more smooth as compared to lighter background.


Commented on TGF-beta Signaling in Cancer Treatment
TGF beta signaling in cancer is widely studied. It is tricky pathway and is called a double edged sword. In early stages in prevents cancer progression and in certain tumors it has a tumor promoting effect.


Commented on LUNG CANCER
Lung cancer is an Elsevier journal with an impact factor of 5.705. It is a peer reviewed journal with main emphasis on all areas related to lung cancer.


Commented on Schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Nicely written article on schizophrenia and associated disorders.


Commented on AUTISM
This is the link to the journal: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/aut The link in the description above is not working. It is a peer-reviewed academic journal with an impact factor of 4.609.


Commented on How autism became autism
Interesting article on autism. Autism was first used to describe a schizophrenic condition but then changed to its present definition.


Commented on CANCER
Cancer is an internationally acclaimed interdisciplinary journal with an impact factor of 6.162. It is published semi-monthly by MDI.


Commented on Tumor Microenvironment
The tumor microenvironment encompasses the cancer stem cells and other molecules that help with tumor growth and progression. Studying it in detail provides insights on how to prevent and treat malignacies.


Commented on Minimalism in oncology
The authors discuss the importance of optimizing the cancer treatment doses to reduce physical and financial stress to patients. This study gives an example of abiraterone which was found to be more effective at a lower dose if consumed with a low-fat meal than on empty stomach.


Commented on Understanding metastasis
Informative nature article on metastasis and how the tumor microenvironment is crucial to understanding how tumors thrive and the role of the immune system. This article discusses the two key models of metastasis- linear and parallel progression.


Commented on Biomarker assay validation
Biomarker assay development and validation is crucial for early drug development. This article provides good information on assay validation and the dangers of not conducting proper biomarker validation.


Commented on Epigenetics: Novel Therapeutics Targeting Epigenetics
Very interesting article on how enzymes modulating epigenetic gene expression are used to treat epigenetic disorders by switching the genes on or off.