Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


Commented on Research Assistantship Opportunity
Research Assistant - Africa Programme. The Programme offers reliable and independent research that improves the quality of information disseminated globally. The Africa Programme supports an improved understanding of changing international relations and influence in sub-Saharan Africa. https://careers.chathamhouse.org/jobs/3227097-research-assistant-africa-programme


Commented on Top 10 Largest Academic Journals in 2022
Do you think that academic publishing became a profitable business?


Commented on The Generations Research Hub
Starting in 2024, a university in Ireland will offer a bachelor's degree in influencing, a profession valued at $16.4 billion globally. The degree, designed by South East Technological University (SETU), includes courses in crisis management, public relations, social psychology, video and audio editing, and more. While this appeals to Gen Z students, the fast-changing nature of social media raises concerns about the degree's long-term viability. https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20230929102129286#:~ What do you think?


Commented on Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychology: The Study of Workplace Behavior
UK workers are taking more sick days than at any point in the last decade, research suggests. Staff took on average 7.8 sick days in the past year, up from 5.8 before the pandemic. The Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) analysed sickness absence and employee health among 918 organisations representing 6.5 million employees, with 76% of respondents reporting they had taken time off due to stress in the past year. Stress was one of the biggest contributors to a rise in workplace absences over the past year. Report finds stress as one of the main contributors to absence as staff take 7.8 days off a year on average. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/sep/26/number-of-workers-taking-sick-leave-hits-10-year-high


Commented on Ethical problems in academic peer review
What specific steps can journals take to promote transparency and open dialogue in the peer review process?


Commented on Postdoctoral Fellowship
German and international students from any discipline and higher education institution are invited to apply for the scholarship by the Foundation. Applicants from any discipline and higher education institution are eligible for funding: talented students showing excellent promise for future academic and professional careers. Application deadline is from 1 March and 1 September of each year. daad.de/go/en/stipa10000124


Commented on Environmental Science
People who work remotely could have a 54 per cent lower carbon footprint than those who work in an office, a new study has found. The research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal. The findings come as employees gradually return to the office following the major growth of hybrid and remote work catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study, which focused on the United States, analyzed the environmental implications of remote, hybrid and fully on-site work. Lifestyle along with the amount of time spent working from home appeared to make the most significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2304099120


Commented on The Generations Research Hub
Research suggests that people don’t become adults until they’re in their 30s. They suggest that the brains of eighteen-year-olds are still undergoing significant changes, making it more of a nuanced transition into adulthood. Professor Peter Jones from Cambridge University emphasized that the shift from childhood to adulthood occurs over three decades, challenging the notion of a clear-cut age marker for adulthood. While it is hard to place a "one-size fits all" age marker, scientists believe this number to be closer to 30. https://www.indy100.com/science-tech/people-become-adults-30s-research What are your thoughts?


Commented on Postdoctoral Fellowship
Postdoctoral researcher(s) in Political Science at the V-Dem Institute. Deadline: November 15, 2023. Link: https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1035/job?site=7&lang=UK&validator=9b89bead79bb7258ad55c8d75228e5b7&job_id=31769


Commented on Are you a night owl or early bird?
Sleep research is increasingly following the idea of chronotypes — that we all have a natural, genetic inclination to snooze at similar times each day. Sleep specialist Dr Michael Breus splits the chronotypes into four categories: the bear, wolf, lion and dolphin, saying that 55% of people are bears, who rise with the sun and fall asleep by about 10pm, and that the world caters to that chronotype. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/chronotypes


Commented on Postdoctoral Fellowship
Citizens of any country in the world (except the citizens of Slovakia) can apply for a scholarship stay in Slovakia in the framework of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic. https://www.scholarships.sk/en/main/programme-terms-and-conditions/foreign-applicants


Commented on Transformative action of policy mixes, governance and digitalisation addressing biodiversity loss
How to manage Grant? 24 October 2023 Info & Registration at https://research-innovation-community.ec.europa.eu/events/2VgQVkhSe14gr3SDySNP6K/overview


Commented on The role and functioning of public administrations in democratic systems
How to prepare the Grant Agreement? 17 October, 2023 Info & Registration at https://research-innovation-community.ec.europa.eu/events/561Lgy9R5HI4axaCm3JKfw/overview


Commented on Additional activities for the European Partnership for a climate neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy 
How to find opportunities and submit a proposal? 5 October, 2023 Info & Registration at https://research-innovation-community.ec.europa.eu/events/1bUwgFf0qObzrjzZqnmhHf/overview


Commented on Ethical problems in academic peer review
Any strategies how to minimize unethical behavior or practices in peer review and academic publishing?