Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


Commented on Reviewer Roulette: Understanding reviewer behaviors and motivations to improve our responses
This is great especially thought processes whether for new or experienced reviewers.


Commented on The Impact of Public Health Funding on Population Health Outcomes
Seems more of a long term play to see improvements and reflective of work accomplished.


Commented on Public health grants: increased and sustained funding is needed
Especially when funding is cut, all the more important where it can be gathered.


Commented on Perspectives on Counseling Women of Reproductive Age About Emergency Preparedness by Primary Health Care Providers: DocStyles, United States, 2021 [ID: 1364512]
"Emergency preparedness resources combined with training may improve health care provider confidence in counseling WRA and PPLW." Building on training and education for providers along with spending some time to discuss with patients.


Commented on Collaborative community research to tackle health inequalities
More details here: Great to see the multidisciplinary approach to bridge the gap


Commented on Public health round-up
Very beneficial to give an overview of what health outcomes to be aware of globally


Commented on Different Ways of Traveling the Cancer Road—Daytime Running Lights at Night?
As difficult as it is, I think being in the patient corner and creating a plan of care has potential to create positivity with the support.


Commented on Investigating Lifelong Learners’ Continuing Learning Intention Moderated by Affective Support in Online Learning
It is all about adapting whether familiar or not with technology for online learning. "The findings indicate that positive relationships and positive correlations between learning satisfaction and continuing learning intention juxtapose, and satisfaction is positively correlated with continuing intention."


Commented on Personal infection prevention behaviors and campaign to encourage travel during COVID-19: A cross-sectional study
I feel like a "one stop shop" where the latest information on the best preventative measures for individuals will be beneficial. It can get confusing where there are recommendations from different entities and stressing consistent guidance.


Commented on Comparative effects of different types of exercise on health-related quality of life during and after active cancer treatment: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
There is so much variation in activity, level, and ability. "Exercise programs combining aerobic and resistance training can be recommended to improve HRQoL during and after cancer treatment." As stated, hard to make clear cut recommendations.


Commented on Multidimensional Health Impact of Multicomponent Exercise and Sustainable Healthy Diet Interventions in the Elderly (MED-E): Study Protocol
Quasi experimental is always interesting. Shows the need for data on the older populations. There is this vulnerability and underserved nature where they need to be taken care of and have recommendations and guidelines that are sustainable.


Commented on Kids Save Lives: A blended learning approach to improve engagement of schoolchildren
Good question! It seems all dependent if a part of the curriculum eventually. Sounds only recommended currently. It can be something the parents should be informed about and they can make a decision with their children. Can be a matter of assent or dissent from each child as well.


Commented on Extraordinary claims in the literature on high-intensity interval training (HIIT): III. Critical analysis of four foundational arguments from an interdisciplinary lens
I just started doing HIIT and has been great personally. Based on this, it sounds like some contradictory evidence out there. For me, it has been great to be active and takes roughly 45 minutes and simply helps to get the heart rate up. I can see where it can be effective for people of different level and pace. I think a lot goes into doing it right.


Commented on Design and Development of a Smart Pen for Dyslexics
It is really amazing for the recognition of errors and writing styles


Commented on Systematic reviews: A glossary for public health
This is very helpful in clarifying what is considered a systematic review and what it actually entails in a standardized manner.