Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


Commented on Early Career Journey: Growing and Learning from Bad Outcomes
This helps so much because it is applicable to people who are new to their fields and getting experience.


Commented on A collaborative and near-comprehensive North Pacific humpback whale photo-ID dataset
How will the data help with research and tracking in the future?


Commented on Machine Learning: A new approach to drug discovery
New to me as well and seems very fitting in a world where everything around us is digital and leveraging that for these purposes whether it be for outcomes that have been around a long time or more recently.


Commented on Screening for obstructive sleep apnoea in the USA: a representative cross-sectional study
I am surprised there would be underreporting considering how prevalent it is and how that is critical information for procedures, but it is more so assessing risk of being diagnosed, so I can see how the language is.


Commented on Neighborhood Built Environments and Sleep Health: A Longitudinal Study in Low-Income and Predominantly African-American Neighborhoods
I was not familiar with neighborhood disorder and I can see how that affect sleep whether it be being able to or stay asleep over the course of a night.


Commented on Sleep Disturbances and Dementia Risk in Older Adults: Findings From 10 Years of National U.S. Prospective Data
Great use of cohort data and gathering evidence that shows how important sleep is and the impact any disturbances can have long-term.


Commented on Are you a night owl or early bird?
Are you a night owl or early bird? How has that impacted your health outcomes or your mood daily?


Commented on Vaccine Breakthrough
As of September 12, 2023, here are the new recommendations for the COVID-19 vaccination: "The updated vaccines should work well against currently circulating variants of COVID-19, including BA.2.86, and continue to be the best way to protect yourself against severe disease."


Commented on Public health workforce capacities and the challenges for preparedness
Measurement of capacity is key and how a public health system can respond. "To strengthen public health and emergency preparedness and response, it is fundamental to define and monitor the public health workforce and its capacity."


Commented on Emerging young health leaders and their roles in tackling global public health challenges
It is important to emphasize growth in leadership for young professionals and building that capacity for the future.


Commented on Learning from digital public health interventions in practice: challenges we embraced
Challenges can vary globally, but we can agree the benefits of digital public health interventions and applications.


Commented on Artificial womb: opportunities and challenges for public health
Despite the beneficial nature, it seems this can be one of these areas with ethical concerns to be debated indefinitely.


Commented on EPH252 Contributions and Challenges of Pharmacists during a Public Health Crisis Such As COVID-19
It is getting their knowledge foundation out there and opportunities to educate. "It is necessary to improve the professional education of the pharmacists by introducing the basics of pharmaceutical care that will ease the burden on hospitals and doctors during public health crises such as COVID-19."


Commented on Correction: Digital health applications and the fast-track pathway to public health coverage in Germany: challenges and opportunities based on first results
I think it is great and important to see transparency especially with any corrections in research and making it clear what the corrections are.


Commented on Arthritis in Leprosy: A Case Report
With pain in the hands worsening, it makes me curious of the patient's life experiences which may increase the risk of arthritis?