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Publish with Peeref

Peeref is a multidisciplinary platform that supports open science communication and publishing. Peeref has a diamond open access policy and is committed to a publication system that allows free access to published content, whilst also removing publication fees. Share your work openly and gain feedback from the international research community.

Meet like-minded scientists and expand your academic network.

Watch this short video to understand the Peeref community.
  • Discover and engage in ground-breaking scientific achievements within your field. Actively participate in discussions with your peers.
  • Quickly access journal information and accurate citation metrics. View submission experiences shared by authors to expedite the publication of your research and maximize your success.
  • Meet like-minded scientists, follow the latest research and expand your academic network.
Journal Selector

Journal Selector

Search journal evaluation indices, share submission experiences, and follow journal news.

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Publication Review

Publication Review

Rate and comment on published papers to express your scientific opinions.

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Research Community

Research Community

Follow global scholars in real time and build close social networks.

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Peeref offers a wide range of exclusive features for reviewers and journal editors. Please sign in to access these features.

Reviewer Community

Reviewers registered at Peeref will be more likely to receive peer-review invitations, and can easily share their review experience with peers. Peeref provides free reviewer training programs and other resources to help reviewers enhance their academic profiles.

Journal/Publisher Partnerships

We sincerely invite editors from academic journals around the world to register at Peeref—where journals can showcase academic achievements, promote high-quality publications to a much wider audience of researchers, and enhance international impact.
Please fill in your colleague's information below and we will send your invitation to them directly.