Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


Commented on ICTs to promote student participation in classrooms
The initiative is a progressive step towards modernizing education. In light of this, they might look for insights into user interface design, gamification strategies to increase engagement, or perhaps the integration of analytics to track participation.


Commented on Mental health
Excessive internet use can alter adolescents' brain chemistry, potentially affecting their mental health and cognitive development. I believe this research is a call to action for fostering healthier digital habits in the youth. Link to the study: https://journals.plos.org/mentalhealth/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmen.0000022


Commented on Data Science
The 2025 Data Science Education Conference represents a significant step towards integrating data science into early education. It's a forward-thinking initiative that acknowledges the growing importance of data literacy in our digital age. The theme of the inaugural Data Science Education K-12: Research to Practice Conference is Addressing the Human Dimensions of Data. Link: https://web.cvent.com/event/d641bd9f-6c99-4cbc-951b-33b1ca05d4ed/summary


Commented on AI in Geospatial Research
The recent strides in artificial intelligence, particularly in the realm of deep learning, are indeed impressive and hold great promise for various fields, including geospatial research. However, it's important to recognize that these technologies build upon decades of foundational work in AI and machine learning. While AI offers transformative potential for geospatial analysis, the practical application of these advanced techniques is often hampered by constraints such as limited computational resources and the scarcity of high-quality, accessible data. Addressing these challenges is crucial for unlocking the full potential of AI in enhancing our understanding of complex spatial phenomena.


Commented on Research4Ukraine
The MSCA4Ukraine's second call for applications is a commendable initiative that reflects the European scientific community's solidarity and commitment to supporting displaced Ukrainian researchers during challenging times. This call aims to support more displaced Ukrainian researchers by offering fellowships lasting between 6 to 24 months. Link: https://sareurope.eu/msca4ukraine/information-for-applicants/


Commented on Environmental Science
A pilot call for research proposals where researchers can access 30 complementary services free of charge for their research projects. By offering access to a wide range of services and fostering interdisciplinary research, the DANUBIUS-RI project can greatly enhance our understanding of aquatic ecosystems and contribute to the sustainability of these vital resources. The deadline for proposals is on July 4th, 2024. Info at https://danubius-ip.tumblr.com/pilotcall2


Commented on Predatory journal risks and avoidance strategies for researchers
The initiative to educate authors on the dangers of predatory journals through this webinar is highly commendable. These journals often exploit the open-access model for their own profit, charging publication fees to authors without providing the legitimate editorial and publishing services associated with reputable journals. They typically lack transparency, peer review processes, and academic standards, which can mislead researchers, especially those eager to publish their work. It would be interesting for Dr. Holdsworth to tell more about the most common red flags that indicate a journal may be predatory.


Commented on Postdoctoral Fellowship
The DIGI+ EU Cofund initiative is a commendable effort towards fostering sustainable digital transformation in Europe. By aligning with the EU's Digital and Green Agenda, it not only promotes research excellence but also encourages the development of solutions that are environmentally conscious and socially responsible. The program focuses on Sustainable Digital Transformation and aims to create a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial, and innovative researcher leaders who can address current and future challenges in alignment with the EU's Digital and Green Agenda. Explore the frontiers of sustainable digital innovation by applying for one of the 14 fellowships due to August 23, 2024 at https://digipluscofund.eu/


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
The FICC 2025 is considered a hub of innovative ideas and collaborations in ICT, reflecting the conference's reputation for excellence in fostering advancements and networking in the field. The next FICC conference is scheduled for April 28-29, 2025, in Berlin. The FICC 2025 Call for Papers: https://saiconference.com/FICC2025/CallforPapers


Commented on Fellowships and grants for researchers from developing countries
The GenScript Life Science Research Grant Program 2024 is open to international researchers, including those from developing countries. The eligibility criteria are broad and inclusive, allowing researchers from various institutions and organizations involved in life sciences research to apply. More info about the program: https://www.genscript.com/grantprogram.html


Commented on Canadian Institutes of Health Research Profile
I find that the CIHR's focused Strategic Initiative Funding is a strategic boon. It channels resources into pivotal areas like aging and digital health, which are essential for advancing Canada's healthcare research and innovation.


Commented on Fake news, disinformation, conspiracy theories
OpenAI's introduction of a deepfake detector tool is a commendable effort to safeguard the authenticity of digital media, reflecting a growing awareness of the ethical implications of AI-generated content. As deepfakes become increasingly sophisticated, tools like this are essential for verifying the veracity of online information, thus helping to protect democratic processes and public discourse from the potential manipulation by artificial media. This initiative not only underscores the responsibility of AI developers to counteract the misuse of their technology but also highlights the need for continuous innovation in digital forensics to stay ahead of emerging threats. Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/07/technology/openai-deepfake-detector.html


Commented on Andean Geology
Expect on average 45 weeks from submission to publication. This timeframe includes all the steps from the initial submission to the final decision and the article's online journal. More info at https://doaj.org/toc/0718-7106


Commented on Postdoctoral Fellowship
The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) offers various fellowship and grant programs to support scholars in the humanities and interpretive social sciences. It is a valuable resource for scholars seeking support for their research and academic endeavors. For more detailed information on specific programs at https://www.acls.org/fellowship-grant-programs/


Commented on Medical Advancements
This innovative blood test represents a significant leap forward in stroke management, potentially transforming patient outcomes through earlier and more accurate diagnosis. I found info at Brigham and Women's Hospital. "Researchers develop 'game-changing' blood test for stroke detection." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 17 May 2024. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/05/240517111515.htm>. It is indeed game-changing.