Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


Commented on Funding grants & challenges
Under the HorizonEU initiative, a new funding opportunity presents €6 million for EU and Associated Countries' cities to create a year-long program that fosters interaction between citizens and researchers, highlights the positive impact of science on wellbeing, and stimulates discussions on the future of science. This call is part of the 2nd Reforming and Enhancing R&I proposals, alongside topics on value creation practices and developing talent ecosystems for early research careers. With a total budget of €28 million for all topics, applicants must submit their proposals by 25 September 2024. Link: https://rea.ec.europa.eu/funding-and-grants/horizon-europe-reforming-and-enhancing-european-ri-system_en


Commented on Open Data and Research Hub
The Use Case Observatory Volume 2 webinar offers valuable insights by showcasing concrete examples like job seeker platforms and environmental protection apps. By demonstrating the positive economic, social, and environmental impacts of open data across Europe, this research could be a strong motivator for further investment in making data readily available. Webinar link: https://youtu.be/jAcmB8U77OM?si=qDr34WNnsJtyHeVZ


Commented on Postdoctoral Fellowship
The ODA Global Innovation Fellowships 2024 initiative by The British Academy is a laudable effort to empower researchers in the humanities and social sciences. This fellowship stands out for its commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration and potential to drive meaningful change, making it a vital contributor to the global knowledge economy. Link to the opportunity: https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/funding/oda-global-innovation-fellowships-2024/


Commented on Funding grants & challenges
The Western Balkans Fund is an organization that supports joint projects in the Western Balkans region. The Western Balkans Fund also works to improve the investment climate in the area, promote regional cooperation, and support the EU integration process. The focus is on infrastructure, environment, energy, and people-to-people contacts. More info at https://westernbalkansfund.org/


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
The ICM 2024 conference (https://blog.mdpi.com/2024/04/18/icm-2024/) is a commendable initiative showcasing the cutting-edge intersection of AI and material sciences. The focus on AI integration reflects a forward-thinking approach, essential for addressing complex global challenges and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in material innovation.


Commented on Medical Advancements
Nanobodies, special antibodies found in camels, llamas, and alpacas, are revolutionizing medicine. Their small size and stability allow them to target specific areas and withstand harsh conditions. Researchers are already using nanobodies to fight diseases like anthrax and aTTP and are developing them for cancer treatment with fewer side effects. Nanobodies hold immense promise for the future of medicine with many potential applications still being explored. Interesting to watch at https://youtu.be/7cTH_pAEiog?si=EiRCtPA-FJD2Q0Ef


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
SoftCOM2024 represents a valuable convergence of experts and knowledge in telecommunications and computer networks, fostering an environment where innovative ideas and research can be shared and discussed. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore. It is set to take place from September 26-28, 2024, in Split - Bol, Croatia. More info at https://2024.softcom.fesb.unist.hr/


Commented on Summer/Winter schools
The https://www.bing.com/search?form=SKPBOT&q=EU%20TalentOn%202024 is a prestigious competition designed for young European scientists and researchers, aged 21 to 35, to showcase their innovative solutions to global challenges. The event, scheduled from September 9 to 14 in Katowice, Poland, offers a platform for participants to compete in scientific areas aligned with the EU Missions. Winners will be awarded a share of the 75,000 EUR prize pool, with expenses for transportation, accommodation, and meals covered by the European Commission. Applications are open until July 7, 2024 athttps://eutalenton2024.eu/


Commented on Sustainable Development Hub
The 116th edition of the conference, themed "Inclusive development for robust organizations and resilient societies," is scheduled to take place in Denver, Colorado, USA, on October 11-12, 2024https://www.esd-conference.com/. Another significant ESDCONF event is set to occur in London from August 21-23, 2024, which will explore new frontiers in the environment and sustainable developmenthttps://euagenda.eu/events/2024/08/21/international-conference-on-environment-and-sustainable-development-esdconf. These conferences serve as crucial platforms for discussing the latest research, trends, and challenges in sustainable development and related fields.


Commented on Academic writing with AI tools
Tools like Elicit represent a significant advancement in research efficiency, offering a valuable resource for scholars to streamline their work: www.elicit.com


Commented on Cybersecurity
To become a Security Engineering Officer for the U.S. Department of State, PhD holders must have a degree in fields like Engineering, Computer Science, Cybersecurity, or Physics from an ABET-accredited program. Alternatively, they should have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam or equivalent, qualifying them for professional registration in engineering within the U.S. These stringent requirements ensure that SEOs are well-equipped to tackle the intricate security challenges at U.S. diplomatic posts globally. More info about this opportunity at https://careers.state.gov/career-paths/foreign-service/specialist/law-enforcement-and-security/security-engineering-officer/


Commented on Marketing your Research
Social media's role in science communication is transformative. It democratizes access to scientific knowledge, allowing researchers to directly engage with a diverse audience and foster a community around their work. I agree entirely that platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn can be used to reach a broad audience, including researchers, policymakers, and the general public. Read the interview with two Horizon EU projects and learn how to make the most of social media:https://rea.ec.europa.eu/news/science-communication-how-social-media-can-effectively-boost-your-research-project-2023-08-11_en


Commented on Advancing Genomic Discoveries & Implementation: A focus on underrepresented groups
This is convincing that pharmacogenomics is medicine's future, especially for underserved communities. It's crazy to think medications are still prescribed based on a one-size-fits-all approach, considering everyone's genetic makeup is different!


Commented on Anti-aging research
The increase in life expectancy in Southern Europe is a testament to the powerful impact of lifestyle and diet on health, even beyond economic factors. I found an interesting article in the Economist about this (https://www.economist.com/europe/2024/06/20/why-southern-europeans-will-soon-be-the-longest-lived-people-in-the-world). Southern Europeans are expected to become some of the longest-lived people in the world, thanks to factors like the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in vegetables, fruits, and olive oil, and low in red meat. This diet, combined with an active lifestyle and strong social bonds, contributes to lower rates of heart disease and strokes. Healthcare investment also plays a role, although it's not the sole determinant of longevity. As a result, life expectancy in countries like Spain, Italy, and France is projected to reach between 84 and 86 years by 2050, despite their lower GDP than other wealthy regions.


Commented on Social Justice OER
This looks well-structured and informative. The book's chapters and the process could serve as a clear roadmap for any researcher to do the same.