Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


Commented on AI in education, teaching, learning
This Forbes article (https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2024/07/09/the-biggest-education-trends-of-the-next-10-years/) highlights key education trends for the next decade, emphasizing the rise of personalized learning through technology, the integration of AI and automation in educational processes, and the growing importance of lifelong learning for continuous skill development. It also discusses the evolution of hybrid learning models that combine online and in-person education and the increased focus on developing essential soft skills like critical thinking and communication to prepare students for the future workforce.


The program promotes diversity within the STEM workforce and empowers these institutions to make significant contributions to advanced fields such as cybersecurity and nuclear security.


Commented on Mental health
I found the information about the mental health impacts of heat to be particularly interesting. Extreme heat can clearly have a major impact on our cognitive function and mood, and we need to take this into account as we prepare for a warmer climate. Video:https://youtu.be/iarBPtlkLqE?si=QhffmvLpQahP_AD7


Commented on Experienced Services Program
Can research institutes apply for this program?


Commented on Open Data and Research Hub
Join the insightful webinar "Data Spaces: Experience from the Common European Mobility Data Space" on 19 July 2024. This session will delve into the development, implementation, and practical experiences of European mobility data spaces. Learn from experts about the challenges and successes in creating a unified data space that enhances mobility solutions. Link: https://dataeuropaacademy.clickmeeting.com/287241533/register


Commented on Learning journal expectations and decision making to improve your manuscript submissions
This is a golden opportunity for researchers to better understand the publishing process. By learning what editors look for and the common pitfalls to avoid, researchers can significantly enhance their chances of getting published in top journals.


Commented on Internet of Things (IoT Hub)
The 7th Conference on Cloud and Internet of Things (CIoT'24) represents a significant convergence of academic and industrial expertise in the rapidly evolving fields of cloud computing and IoT. The inclusion of topics like 6G network challenges and AI applications for IoT indicates a forward-thinking approach, addressing the cutting-edge developments that are shaping our technological future. The conference's partnership with IEEE and the opportunity for papers to be included in IEEE Xplore also adds a layer of prestige and recognition, making it an excellent platform for researchers to showcase their work. Overall, CIoT'24 promises to be a catalyst for innovation and a valuable forum for sharing knowledge and advancing the state of technology in these critical areas. Info at https://ciot.dnac.org/2024/call-for-papers/


Commented on Summer/Winter schools
The International Balkan Summer School (IBSS) program, "Balkans and the Global Politics," is an academic initiative for postgraduate students and researchers focusing on Balkan studies. It aims to comprehensively understand the Balkan region's geopolitical dynamics and interactions with global powers such as the EU, Russia, China, Türkiye, and the USA. https://balkanfoundation.com/international-balkan-summer-school-program-book-of-abstracts/


Commented on Postdoctoral Fellowship
Stockholm University in Sweden has announced the availability of 14 academic positions, including postdoctoral and faculty roles. These opportunities span various departments and specialties, offering a chance for qualified candidates to join a prestigious institution known for its research and academic excellence. The application deadlines range from July to September 2024, and interested individuals are encouraged to consult Stockholm University's official job page for detailed information on each position, requirements, and application procedures. Info at https://scholaridea.com/2024/07/08/stockholm-university-in-sweden-invites-application-for-vacant-14-postdoctoral-and-faculty-positions/#google_vignette


Commented on Humanoid bionic robots
While humanoid robots hold promise as futuristic helpers, I wonder if their human likeness is entirely necessary. A humanoid form might be comforting for tasks requiring human interaction, like elder care. But wouldn't a more functional, non-humanoid design be more efficient for dangerous jobs or factory work? Plus, the whole "race" between countries to make the most human-like robot feels a bit out of a sci-fi movie. Instead, let's focus on their capabilities to improve our lives, not how closely they resemble us. Thi is an interesting video: https://youtu.be/v0uKLCZocjs?si=7K6V6WllcjGYs2AT


Commented on Online networking events, workshops and grant opportunities
The LIMEN conference (https://limen-conference.com), with its hybrid format, offers a flexible and inclusive approach. Participants can attend in person in Vienna or virtually. It's a prime opportunity for professional development and networking.


This journal does not require any submission fees, publication fees, or page charges. Color figures are included in the online version of your article at no additional cost. However, a fee will be incurred if you require color figures in the printed version. More info for the publication charges at https://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=tewa20


Commented on Regulation of AI
The "Data for Policy 2024" event, taking place from July 9-11 in London, will focus on the theme "Trustworthy Governance with AI?" It aims to explore the capabilities, use cases, and best practices for using AI in governance while addressing concerns about data, algorithms, privacy, security, fairness, and risks. The event is a collaboration with Imperial College London and Cambridge University Press and will feature researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. For more details, visit the event page: https://data.europa.eu/en/news-events/events/data-policy-2024


Commented on Data Science
The International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024) is an event focusing on databases, big data, data mining, data management, and data security. It will be held in conjunction with several other conferences and offers both in-person and remote presentations. The conference features keynote speakers from institutions like Carnegie Mellon University and University Paris Cité. Accepted papers will be available in the SCITEPRESS Digital Library, and selected papers may be published in a Springer CCIS Series book. For more details, visit the DATA 2024 homepage at https://data.scitevents.org/Home.aspx


Commented on Women and Girls in Science
The "Women in STEM – WSTEM" workshop addresses gender imbalances in STEM fields, particularly informatics. It aims to discuss initiatives to engage, retain, and support women in STEM, from education to professional development. Researchers are invited to submit papers on these topics, with essential dates including a submission deadline of July 15, 2024, and a workshop date of September 28, 2024. More details can be found at https://ictinnovations.org/workshop/workshop-women-in-stem-wstem).