Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


Commented on Real estimates of mortality following COVID-19 infection
What are the estimates now that we are over a year removed from these results?


Commented on Decision making, impulsivity and time perception
Very interesting how impulsivity causes decisions to be made in a different manner. With a decade, I wonder what other research has been done.


Commented on APHA Public Health Fellowship in Government
Great opportunity! I wonder if these types of opportunities would go to a virtual or hybrid format?


Commented on School-based interventions modestly increase physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness but are least effective for youth who need them most: an individual participant pooled analysis of 20 controlled trials
Especially with youth not partaking in physical activity in general as much so it is good to see even a moderate effect for a small amount of time increase in activity.


Commented on A Laboratory Model Demonstrating the Protective Effects of Surgical Masks, Face Shields and a Combination of Both in a Speaking Simulation
That is interesting the combination of mask and shield did not yield more protection than just mask alone. There has to be more of effect especially if you consider the eye area with the shield that provides extra protection.


Commented on Research Enrichment - Public Engagement
Wonderful funding opportunity especially for community based participatory research!


Commented on Can We Eliminate Opioids After Common Orthopedic Sports Procedures? A Novel Multimodal Pain Protocol
Really great research question to go towards natural methods instead of dependence on opioids. Good to see this multimodal method to be effective.


Commented on Benefits of heat re-acclimation in the lead-up to the Tokyo Olympics
I wonder how athletes integrated that in their training and how that improved performance.


Commented on Only 1% of Japan is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Is it ready for the Olympics?
It seems to have jumped to 23% fully vaccinated and 35% with at least one dose since the publication. We will have to see how things play out as the Olympics begin this week and how vaccination continues to move. Very important paper to create. Thank you!


Commented on The Interplay between Public Health, Well-Being and Population Aging in Europe: An Advanced Structural Equation Modelling and Gaussian Network Approach
This remains to be a population underserved and vulnerable where more attention needs to be on.


Commented on First-Destination Outcomes for 2015–2018 Public Health Graduates: Focus on Employment
I feel as though there are a lot graduating in the field. The problem may not be the supply of graduates to meet the demand of the jobs, but the supply of jobs. Hopefully that can be helped!


Commented on Anemia in patients with Covid-19: pathogenesis and clinical significance
This is the kind of paper of importance assessing other conditions along with COVID-19 and what something like anemia is associated with. Well done!


Commented on Sandbar shark aggregation in the central Mediterranean Sea and potential effects of tourism
With shark week currently going, this is very interesting to see in light of conservation and summer of tourism, how they behave now that people are out in the waters again.


Commented on Next generation public health: towards precision and fairness
This is a well-informed paper on how public health can catch up with the advancements in digital health. These recommendations can help to go in that direction to impact population health more efficiently.


Commented on Social and emotional learning in early childhood education and care: a public health perspective
I think this is fantastic introducing social and emotional learning early on and can be very effective for future outcomes especially within the public health lens.