4.7 Article

Mediator complex subunit MED25 physically interacts with DST to regulate spikelet number in rice


Volume 64, Issue 4, Pages 871-883


DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13238


DST; MED25; OsCKX2; rice; spikelet number


  1. National Key Research and Development Program of China [2019YFD1000300]
  2. Agricultural Seed Project of Shandong Province [2020LZGC005, 2021LZGC0017]
  3. Tai-Shan Scholar Program from Shandong Province [tsxk20150901]
  4. K. C. Wong Education Foundation

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The study finds that Mediator subunit OsMED25 can act as an interacting coactivator of DST and is involved in regulating grain number. OsMED25 physically interacts with DST at the promoter region of OsCKX2 to activate its transcription.
Grain number is a flexible trait and contributes significantly to grain yield. In rice, the zinc finger transcription factor DROUGHT AND SALT TOLERANCE (DST) controls grain number by directly regulating cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 2 (OsCKX2) expression. Although specific upstream regulators of the DST-OsCKX2 module have been identified, the mechanism employed by DST to regulate the expression of OsCKX2 remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that DST-interacting protein 1 (DIP1), known as Mediator subunit OsMED25, acts as an interacting coactivator of DST. Phenotypic analyses revealed that OsMED25-RNAi and the osmed25 mutant plants exhibited enlarged panicles, with enhanced branching and spikelet number, similar to the dst mutant. Genetic analysis indicated that OsMED25 acts in the same pathway as the DST-OsCKX2 module to regulate spikelet number per panicle. Further biochemical analysis showed that OsMED25 physically interacts with DST at the promoter region of OsCKX2, and then recruits RNA polymerase II (Pol II) to activate OsCKX2 transcription. Thus, OsMED25 was involved in the communication between DST and Pol II general transcriptional machinery to regulate spikelet number. In general, our findings reveal a novel function of OsMED25 in DST-OsCKX2 modulated transcriptional regulation, thus enhancing our understanding of the regulatory mechanism underlying DST-OsCKX2-mediated spikelet number.


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