Volume 129, Issue 7, Pages -Publisher
AIP Publishing
DOI: 10.1063/1.2968612
- Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia [FIS2007-65702-C02-02]
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Following some recent ideas on the construction of kinetic energy density functionals that reproduce the linear response function of the homogeneous electron gas, a family of them with a nonlocal term based on the von Weizsacker functional and with a dependence on the logarithm of the density is presented. As localized systems are the most difficult to study with explicit kinetic functionals, in this paper we apply to atomic systems a number of families of fully nonlocal kinetic functionals. We have put our attention in both the total kinetic energy and the local behavior of the kinetic energy density, and the results clearly show the quality of these fully nonlocal functionals. They make a good description of the local behavior of the kinetic energy density and maintain good results for the total kinetic energies. We must remark that almost all the functionals discussed in the paper, when using an adequate reference density, can be evaluated as a single integral in momentum space, with a quasilinear scaling for the computational cost. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
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