Verified Reviews - Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

njuhewei 2023-06-04

2022-04-21 Submission
2022-08-08 major revision
2022-10-15 Revision Received
2023-02-15 minor revision
2023-03-07 Revision Received
2023-05-19 Accepted

To be honest, the review process is a bit slow. The first review took three months, the second review took four months, and the crucial part is that after the minor revision in the second review, there was another round of submission, which took another two months. The review process is very strict, and it feels like a complete overhaul with each round of revisions. The journal is a very good one, with a high impact factor. However, the Chinese Academy of Sciences' classification system is messed up - not only is it not classified as a top-tier journal, it's not even in the first tier. JAMES remains a leader in the field of Earth science modeling, along with the GMD journal, enjoying a high reputation internationally, but unfortunately being overlooked and trampled upon domestically. Hopefully, the domestic evaluation system will not be too utilitarian and will pay more attention to basic research, providing fair evaluations.

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