Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

止水321 2023-05-29

I was lucky enough to get one published, which took a year from submission to acceptance and went through three rounds of revisions. The journal is very rigorous and responsible. It is an established journal in the field of plasma, but it doesn't have a high publication volume. Its impact factor and ranking are slightly lower, and it has a lower cost-effectiveness ratio. The reason I submitted to this journal was more because of a kind of sentiment.

xin 2021-12-28

Assigned to Engineering and Technology Zone 4, I don't know what it means. The journal title is clearly related to plasma processing, so it can't be randomly played, right?

xin 2021-11-01

Old and prestigious journal, a top journal in the field of plasma processing, only publishes one volume per year, with only about 85 papers accepted. There was one year when they only accepted 72 papers.

It was founded by the late Professor Pfender from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota.

Many influential and remarkable papers from predecessors have been published in this journal, showing respect...

The initiator, Chinese Academy of Sciences classification system!!!

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