Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

cheese1996 2022-11-03

10-18 submmit
10-21 under review
11-3 under review
The last review status remained at 10.25.
Still anxiously waiting, unsure how long the first review will take.

一路绿灯 2022-03-24

Hello, may I ask what template you are using for submitting to this journal? I noticed that the homepage does not have many requirements for the formatting template.

吟梦潇湘 2022-02-05

2021.07.27 submitted to journal
2021.08.01 with editor
2021.08.02 under review
2021.08.08 under review
2021.08.11 under review
2021.08.28 decision in process
2021.08.30 revise
2021.09.29 resubmitted
2021.09.29 with editor
2021.10.01 under review
2021.10.16 under review
2021.10.29 under review
2021.11.23 decision in process
2021.11.25 minor
2021.12.23 resubmitted
2021.12.24 with editor
2022.01.04 under review
2022.01.06 Required Reviews Completed
2022.01.08 Decision in Process
2022.01.11 Accept

2021.07.27 submitted to journal
2021.08.01 with editor
2021.08.02 under review
2021.08.08 under review
2021.08.11 under review
2021.08.28 decision in process
2021.08.30 revise
2021.09.29 resubmitted
2021.09.29 with editor
2021.10.01 under review
2021.10.16 under review
2021.10.29 under review
2021.11.23 decision in process
2021.11.25 minor
2021.12.23 resubmitted
2021.12.24 with editor
2022.01.04 under review
2022.01.06 Required Reviews Completed
2022.01.08 Decision in Process
2022.01.11 Accept

吟梦潇湘 2022-02-05

One major renovation, one minor repair, a total of four and a half months, from start to finish.

吟梦潇湘 2022-02-05

The article on micro-nano packaging direction is decent in terms of speed, but the key is that it has been received well.

huiyi 2021-11-18

Hello, do you have the template for this journal? Thank you.

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