Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

贼努力 2023-07-11

Brother/sister, can you please give me a timeline? Mine is still in decision pending, and I don't want to stay awake all night anymore.

一只小鲤鱼 2023-07-04

Submitted on January 17th in recent years, it took one week to be "With Editor" and another week to be "Out for Review". This status lasted for more than 5 months. During this period, a reminder was sent after 3 months, and it was mentioned that only one reviewer's feedback had been received, while waiting for the other reviewer's feedback. After the external review was completed, the results were received within 3 days, and both reviewers suggested minor revisions. Overall, the email responses were timely, and the editor's attitude was good, but the process took too long.

chendru 2022-06-16

How long have you been under review when submitting? How long does the under review process take?

被拒稿后脑壳痛 2022-02-25

After 3 months of submission, a reply was received requesting major revisions; what's ridiculous is that the reviewer rejected it, claiming not to have seen the response letter. What a waste of 4 whole months, quite frustrating.

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