Verified Reviews - Complex & Intelligent Systems
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

木槿 2023-08-06

Submitted in October of the 22nd year, received reviewer comments in January, revised and sent to a new reviewer, revised again and resubmitted. It went through nearly 10 reviewers in total, with three rounds of revisions, and was finally accepted in August. Although it is an open-access journal, the overall process was really slow, and it seems like there is no publication fee.

seaeast 2023-08-05

If the reviewers refuse and then have to be replaced, the time will indeed be longer. Generally, the first review takes about two months.

seaeast 2023-08-05

It took about 4 months from submission to acceptance, and my reviewing speed was relatively fast.

n-98 2023-07-28

received December 2022
major revisions Feb 2023
accepted June 2023
Speed is average, the reviewers are quite friendly, and the questions raised are relatively easy to modify and answer.

朱宏伟 2023-07-27

No news, damn, this journal is really out of line... I also can't figure out what's going on. Replying to another brother: I reassigned the reviewers for both my first and second review, which took a total of 2 months. It's very slow, really slow.

bzn 2023-07-26

What is your current state now? I have been in this state for half a month.

bzn 2023-07-26

I have been editing for half a month, and I already want to withdraw the manuscript.

bzn 2023-07-26

Is it normal to still be assigned an editor after half a month? I want to withdraw my submission.

sunny206 2023-07-26

Hello, may I ask if there is a "decision in process" after the external audit and RRC? Does having this mean that it's over?

希望早点毕业的一枚博士 2023-07-26

Brother, have you received any news recently? I haven't heard anything since being hired.

SCI3 2023-07-20

18 July 2023 Revision Submitted

yhao98 2023-07-20

Hello, I would like to ask how much money you have paid.

310370488 2023-07-16

2.14 Submission
5.09 Revision
5.20 Submit revised draft
7.10 Feedback received, Good Luck and accept!
7.15 Received acceptance email
My handling editor is Liu Bo, very responsible and efficient, a very good editor!

XXXHW 2023-07-16

It has been a week since the status "Editor Assigned" was displayed, but there is no "under review" status. What is the situation?

朱宏伟 2023-07-16

No, didn't they say later? It's already the weekend, they definitely won't be working.

希望早点毕业的一枚博士 2023-07-16

I was also hired yesterday. Have you received any further notice, such as payment or formatting?

heyworld 2023-07-16

Generally speaking, the speed is neither fast nor slow.

朱宏伟 2023-07-15

Finally, I took another break, this time for minor revisions. The reason for these revisions is because all those slow reviewers finally finished reviewing... My break turned into opinions from six reviewers... So I kept making changes, and when I finished, I sent it back. It became the job of an assigned editor, and a few days later, it was accepted... It's really tough, my friends.

朱宏伟 2023-07-15

However, although this journal is slow, they always reply to emails. Then the editor said that due to the slow reviews by the previous reviewers, they have now urgently found two new reviewers for you. By April 29th, when I was celebrating the May 1st holiday at home, I received a notice for revisions. There were only two reviewers, maybe because I had been urging them, and the other reviewers had not responded. However, the editor saw that my comments were not too bad, so they asked me to make revisions. I spent half a month making major revisions. Then, when I submitted it again, the previously assigned editor became an inverted editor... I thought my article was done for, and I was anxious for those days. Then it said "Under Review," in capital letters. I thought it was the editor reviewing it again, but it wasn't. It meant that it was under review. The status of my manuscript keeps switching between "Under Review" and "Review Complete." I speculate that as soon as one reviewer returns, it becomes "Review Complete."

朱宏伟 2023-07-15

From this website, I have gained a lot of information. Now my paper has also been accepted, and I have written about my entire submission process for your reference. My paper was submitted on September 3, 2022, and was accepted on July 15. The review process was slow, and it was the result of my constant reminders. The direction of my paper is SLAM, and although the reviewers were slow, they did not raise any sharp questions. Based on their suggested modifications, I feel that most of them are working in the field of control.

1. I submitted the paper on September 3, 2022. During this period, it was assigned to an editor, and then it stayed with the editor for over a month. After that, it went "Under Review." I was thrilled at that time, but after a month, it was assigned to reviewers. It took about a month to find reviewers, and the status changed to "Under Review." Then came the long wait. In March of this year, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I urged them to speed up the process.

希望早点毕业的一枚博士 2023-07-15

Xiao Xiu did not receive external audit and directly accepted it. The time difference is approximately 6 months.

Andy 2023-07-15

2023.7.11 新提交

Translation: 2023.7.11 new submission

yydss 2023-07-13

submission ——2022.09.25 (English: The work was submitted on September 25, 2022.)
major revisions ——2023.03.04 (English: Major revisions were made on March 4, 2023.)
accept——2023.05.25 (English: The work was accepted on May 25, 2023.)

希望早点毕业的一枚博士 2023-07-10

I am also Xiao Xiu. I returned in just one day and haven't started processing yet.

一块老饼干 2023-07-08

I would like to ask the original poster, do we need external review after making minor revisions, or is it enough to have the editor handle it?

yydss 2023-07-05

To be honest, the reviewing speed of this journal is indeed too slow. If there is not enough time, I suggest not relying on it to meet graduation requirements.

一句一句666 2023-07-03

Hello, I would like to ask about Latex templates. I have noticed that the formatting of journal-published articles is different from the format of Latex templates. Can I directly use the Latex template from the official website?

一句一句666 2023-07-03

I would like to ask everyone, why is there a difference in format between the LaTeX template downloaded from the official website and the article published in the journal? What is the reason for this?

SCI3 2023-06-26

The text "25 Jun 2023 Revise" is already in English. It indicates that something needs to be revised or reviewed on June 25, 2023.

SCI3 2023-06-26

The text "25 Jun 2023 Revise" is already in English. It represents a date, "June 25, 2023," followed by the word "Revise."

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