Verified Reviews - Plants-Basel
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

渡渡 2023-08-06

Is the Special Issue of this journal recognized domestically?

超强大妹 2023-07-04

Hello, OP. I want to ask about the chances of being rejected if the submission gets "ur" on the same day and remains unchanged for three weeks.

xiahaijian 2023-07-01

The review was conducted on the third day after submission, and on the 15th day, all review comments could be seen on the website. Two of the comments believed that the article was not good enough, and then the editor delayed making a decision. It was dragged on for over two weeks, and after I reminded them twice, they finally rejected the submission.

番茄嘟嘟 2023-06-20

2023.5.26 - Submission;
2023.6.5 - Received feedback for revisions (2 copies, very fast), one reviewer had no comments; the second reviewer, who is an expert in the field, provided sharp but forward-thinking opinions, which gave us a good direction for our future research;
2023.6.6 - Received feedback from the third reviewer: no comments;
2023.6.12 - Revised manuscript (reviewer requested additional experiments), we did not conduct the experiments as it was explained that if we had to, we would change the journal. The explanation was reasonable;
2023.6.15 - Feedback received, all experts agreed to publish (the second reviewer was "impressed" by our explanation, which was indeed reasonable). The academic editor raised a small issue with a figure that needed modification, and it was returned the same day;
2023.6.20 - Accepted!
Overall, the editor was responsible, and the reviewers were professional. We truly encountered skilled individuals, and the questions were excellent; at that time, I really wanted to conduct the additional experiments! The process was fast! The quality of this journal seems to have improved over the past two years, the only drawback being how expensive it is!

dakun 123 2023-06-20

How is it now? Has it been submitted for review? Mine has also been pending for a few days.

dakun 123 2023-06-20

I don't know if the review process has slowed down at the moment. It has been 5 days since submission and it is still in the hands of the editor. I don't know if it's going to be rejected.

lucky_ 2023-06-15

Submitted on 6.12, still pending till now. I heard that all submissions from that day were reviewed on the same day, so I have a feeling it's not looking good...

猪猪Pig 2023-05-25

3.25 Submission
4.21 Major revisions (10 days)
4.28 Return (Actually, there were only a few problems. Needed to polish the English, which took a few days)
5.1 Reviewer agreed to accept, but the academic editor seemed busy and delayed for about two weeks
The academic editor is really responsible. There were back-and-forth communications for a month because of a small issue
Also, it doesn't seem as bad as rumored. The editor is too responsible
5.25 Acceptance

金翼飞鹏 2023-05-05

received: 2023-3-11 Submitted
major revisions: 2023-4-17 Four reviewers provided a lot of suggestions for revisions. The editor requested a major revision to be completed within 10 days. Due to the approaching Labor Day holiday, I worked overtime to revise the paper and sent it back for review in 5 days.
resubmitted: 2023-4-21
minor revisions: 2023-4-24 One of the reviewers was not entirely satisfied with the revisions and requested further modifications in the discussion section. The editor requested a minor revision to be returned within 3 days. Exhausted from all the revisions, I spent an entire day making major revisions to the discussion.
accept: Received an acceptance email the following day. Then proceeded to pay the publication fee.
2023-4-27 online
Peer review for journals is not as easy as I imagined. The suggestions provided by the reviewers greatly improved the quality of the paper, and I learned a lot.

十一Elaine 2023-04-20

What's the situation if it has been pending review for a month and hasn't been assigned an editor yet?

soil pollution 2023-04-18

Received Date: 27th February 2023
Revised Date: 11th April 2023
Accepted Date: 11th April 2023
Submission to First Decision (Days): 18
Modified three times, perhaps encountered a kind editor. Everyone says the journal is not prestigious, but it's better than nothing. Hopefully, it will be a starting point on the research journey.

若曦 2023-03-22

It should be no problem. There is a period of about ten days in the middle, and the follow-up will be very fast.

一只布谷鸟 2023-02-15

Are you also @oldfriend2022?

一只布谷鸟 2023-02-15

received: 2023.1.18
Pending review: 2023.1.18
Under review: 2023.1.18
major review: 2023.1.21
revised: 2023.2.1
minor review: 2023.2.4
Pending editor decision: 2023.2.5
accepted: 2023.2.14

received: 2023.1.18
Pending review: 2023.1.18
Under review: 2023.1.18
major review: 2023.1.21
revised: 2023.2.1
minor review: 2023.2.4
Pending editor decision: 2023.2.5
accepted: 2023.2.14

一只布谷鸟 2023-02-14

Hello, I am a submitter on January 18th. I received a major revision on January 21st. I completed the revisions and returned them on February 1st. I received minor revisions on February 3rd. After making the necessary changes, I resubmitted on February 4th. The status has been showing as "pending editor decision" since then, even until February 14th. I'm wondering what this means and if my submission will be accepted. I'm hesitant to email the editor to ask for an update.

一只布谷鸟 2023-02-14

Hello, I am a submitter on January 18th and received a major revision on January 21st. I completed the modifications and returned it on February 1st. I received a minor revision on February 3rd, and the status showed "Pending editor decision" on February 4th. It's still in this status as of February 14th. I'm wondering what's going on. Will it be accepted? I'm also hesitant to email the editor to ask for updates.

若曦 2023-01-15

Received: 16 November 2022
Major review: 16 December 2022
Revised: 2 January 2023
Minor review: 5 January 2023
Accepted: 5 January 2023
Final proofreading before publication: 8 January 2023
Published: 10 January 2023

若曦 2023-01-05

Received Date: 16 November 2022
Revised Date: 2 January 2023
Accepted Date: 5 January 2023

xq1996 2022-11-05

May I ask how to apply for a discount on the layout fee for special issue invitations?

azureeee 2022-03-23

Received Date: March 1, 2022
Revised Date: March 17, 2022
Accepted Date: March 20, 2022
Published Date: March 22, 2022

Carrie458 2022-02-11

Posted its special issue on January 24, 2021. Minor revisions were made on February 3, 2022. Revised on February 6, with minor revisions sent back for editing on February 7. Revised and accepted on the same day, February 7. Published on February 11.

初一十五 2021-11-21

Typographical error, minor revision is on 11.19.

初一十五 2021-11-21

9.14 submission; 10.14 major revision returned, with 4 reviewers, extremely meticulous and responsible, given 10 days for revisions, requested additional 4 days from the editorial department;
10.25 second major revision, not many issues, given 10 days but actually revised quickly;
10.19 minor revision, given 3 days, but actually revised on the same day; received acceptance email and proofreading in the evening.
Overall, the efficiency of the journal is very high, and the editors respond quickly and effectively. I am also very grateful to the reviewers, although having over a hundred questions was terrifying, I learned a lot.
Friends who require timeliness can consider it.

xiaoleeya 2021-08-31

May I ask how long does the external audit take approximately?

卤蛋 2021-08-21

It has been 10 days since the major repair. May I ask how the result has been after the pending?

飞鸟乌鱼 2021-03-01

First time encountering four reviewers, the revisions drove me crazy. They had strict control over the paper and were very efficient in editing. Both rounds of major revisions were successfully completed. Although I spent quite a bit of money, I still learned a lot and benefited greatly.

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