Verified Reviews - Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

PatrickPei 2023-07-31

Just to add, this publication can offer a traditional subscription model and does not charge APCs.

PatrickPei 2023-07-31

Share the timeline of the recent manuscript. It took a total of 3 months, which is relatively fast, for your reference.
2023.4.19 Submission Received
2023.4.26 With Editor
2023.5.6 Under Review
2023.7.4 Minor Revision
2023.7.20 Submission accepted
2023.7.29 Publishing Online

Lymifa 2022-11-29

2022-9-20 submit: Submitted on September 20, 2022.
2022-11-29 accepted, waiting for proof: Accepted on November 29, 2022, waiting for proof.
On November 28th, I was still hesitating whether to send an email to urge the submission. The next day, I received an email directly accepting it, which is rare. The impact factor is relatively low, but surprisingly still acceptable.

寒寒 2022-08-28

May I ask how much is your layout fee?

BCKT 2022-08-19

Good journal, careful reviewers, nice editors, worth recommending!

回头是岸 2021-04-08

Later, a major overhaul was undertaken, which lasted approximately 9 months from start to finish.

Hot43 2021-04-06

How is the host now?

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