Verified Reviews - Journal of Renewable Materials
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

梨花梨花 2023-07-03

What exactly happened to this magazine?

李东东 2023-04-15

Classmate, do you have contact with the journal editor? How does the editor say?

萨菲螺丝 2023-03-24

I was kicked without any warning or prior notice. When it was included in SCI, there was no online release yet. I don't know how the journal will handle it in the future.

萨菲螺丝 2023-03-23

May I ask which official account sent this?

观天澜 2023-03-23

I also saw it, g?

有事来1楼找我 2023-03-21

Today, I saw on the public account that I was kicked out of SCI. I'm seeking the truth about whether it's true or false.

erdbaumechanik 2023-01-26

12.24 Submission
12.25 Review
01.06 Repairs
01.18 Submit revised draft
01.25 Accepted

萨菲螺丝 2022-11-21

Has anyone ever encountered a situation where they received edits and then separately received an email asking to change the reference format and sentence issues in the article?

萨菲螺丝 2022-11-21

I have already received it, and the editor has sent me several emails asking me to change the format. It's very strange why it wasn't modified before being accepted.

Han19 2022-11-17

My progress has also reached this point, may I ask if your submission has been updated?

萨菲螺丝 2022-11-15

May I ask how long it will take for the online release? I've seen cases where it takes two months or even just a little over ten days in the journal.

萨菲螺丝 2022-11-04

How long will it take after submitting the revised manuscript for Round 2 Status: All reviewers have responded and a decision is needed? It has been over a week already.

GLUTliuyuan 2022-10-18

7.27 Submission
8.16 Feedback received requesting revisions, with 20 comments from two reviewers. One comment asks for citation of an article by one of the reviewers. Revised manuscript to be uploaded in early September.
9.13 Accepted without further revisions.
Quickly accepted within a month and a half. The editor is Chinese and responds promptly to submissions, accommodating requests.
$1100 plus exchange rate of $1150, suitable for urgent article submissions in Zone 3.

陈板凳 2022-10-01

May I ask how long after being hired will I be able to go online?

陈板凳 2022-10-01

How long after being hired will I be online?

萨菲螺丝 2022-09-16

May I ask if the submission will be rejected before the review process if it does not pass the audit? Is there a chance if the review process has already started?

WANG ZG 2022-08-25

You can directly make modifications on your previous manuscript. If there is no direct rejection, there is a chance for acceptance. I have also gone through major revisions.

WANG ZG 2022-08-25

Just use the revision mode in Word directly, then highlight in yellow. The journal mainly requires the submission of three files, which are the response letter, the manuscript with revision mode, and the manuscript that has been modified but without revision mode. Please note that the content of the three should correspond and be consistent.

GLUTliuyuan 2022-08-24

The editor provided suggestions for modifications and requested the use of the editing mode to revise the paper. However, the journal did not provide the marked paper. How did you solve this?

GLUTliuyuan 2022-08-24

The editor gave suggestions for revisions and requested that the paper be modified using track changes mode. However, the journal did not provide a marked-up version of the paper. How can this be resolved?

GLUTliuyuan 2022-08-24

The editor provided suggestions for revisions and requested using the revision mode to modify the paper. However, the journal did not provide the paper with annotations. May I ask how did you solve this?

WANG ZG 2022-08-21

The reviewing process is fast, and it went through major revisions. It took one month from submission to acceptance, from July 17th to August 19th. It is suitable for graduate students and doctoral candidates who urgently need articles.

萨菲螺丝 2022-08-12

Do we need to fill in the recommended reviewers? Where can we select the reviewers from?

Fanhhu 2022-05-25

Concrete direction:
3.21 Submission
3.22 Under review
4.20 Major Revision (Reviewed by two experts, a total of 23 comments)
4.27 Revised manuscript submitted
5.5 Minor Revision (Reviewed by one expert, 9 comments, this time the issues are easily fixed)
5.8 Revised manuscript submitted
5.25 Accepted
It took two months from submission to acceptance, which is considered slow for this journal. The speed of reviewer responses plays a role, as the editors generally give reviewers two days to respond. If the response is overdue, they will send a reminder email and continue the cycle until at least two reviewers have completed their reviews. For wood-related topics, the process may be faster. The quickest I know of is 15 days from submission to acceptance. The publication fee is $1155, which is quite cost-effective.

Liuyuanchu 2022-05-18

5.6 2/5 - 5.6 rating 2 out of 5
5.10 小修意见 要求两周返回 - May 10th, minor revisions requested, return in two weeks
5.16 提交修改稿 - May 16th, submit revised manuscript
5.18 录用 - May 18th, accepted
好耶!第一篇SCI!希望可以帮到大家 - Great! First SCI paper! I hope it can help everyone.

Zinstant 2022-05-18

Give results within a month. I estimate that yours should be soon as well.

Liuyuanchu 2022-04-20

Wood\Calculating direction
4.6 Submission
4.7 Review
4.19 Overdue 1/27
Progress will be updated afterwards.

Zinstant 2022-04-15

4.12 online

Fanhhu 2022-04-09

Hello, I submitted on March 21st and it showed "under review" the next day. During the process, there were two instances of overdue. The score changed from 0/8 to 0/17, and now it is 0/3. However, it quickly changed back to "waiting for reviewer response", and on April 9th, it showed overdue again. Can you please explain the situation?

Fanhhu 2022-04-09

Hello, I submitted on 3.21 and it showed "review" the next day. During this period, there were two "overdue" instances, and the score changed from 0/8 to 0/17, and now it is 0/3. But it quickly changed to "waiting for reviewer response" again, and on 4.9 it showed "overdue" again. May I ask what is the situation?

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