Verified Reviews - Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

cydgpp 2023-08-04

It has been over a month. How is it going now? Has the editing team come up with any results?

电气小子 2023-07-31

31-Jul-2023 Awaiting Admin Processing

Good luck!

one-piece 2023-07-19

I am doing partial discharge testing, not sure if you accept it or not.

电气小子 2023-07-17

Does anyone know if submissions in the field of electrical measurement and current detection will be directly rejected? It seems like the emphasis is not very closely aligned.

Pygmalion 2023-07-03

6-30 Awaiting Admin Processing translates to "6-30 Esperando procesamiento administrativo" in English.

maqingdawang 2023-06-28

JCR has truly ascended to the top-ranking area, impressive.

zzt_cc 2023-06-15

Not necessarily, I have also received messages from VEiC.

zzt_cc 2023-06-15

It is a two-column layout, and the current template is consistent with the trans.

虚心求知的熊 2023-06-14

May I ask if this journal accepts double-column submissions?

abcdefgau2 2023-06-02

Are these emails all sent by Editor-in-Chief Xue for notifying you about major revisions? Thank you!

zzt_cc 2023-06-02

Submission: 29-Nov-2022
Major Revision: 14-Feb-2023
Revision: 02-Mar-2023
Major Revision: 25-Mar-2023
Revision: 20-Apr-2023
Accepted after modification: 28-May-2023

s4425838 2023-05-09

Is it normal to allocate reviewers for 20 days?

小清泉 2023-05-04

It has been almost one and a half months since submission, but it is still awaiting reviewer assignment.

芒果1998 2023-02-27

May I ask where to find the template for this journal? Thank you very, very much!

芒果1998 2023-02-27

May I ask where to find this journal? Thank you very much!

阿斯顿发 2023-02-12

The domestic SCI journals in the field of electrical engineering are decent, and they seem to be aiming for development in the first zone of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

However, it feels a bit slow to find reviewers. I submitted my paper on September 17th, and it wasn't until mid-October that I received "Awaiting Reviewer Scores".

Submission process:
September 17, 2022 - Submitted
November 26, 2022 - Major revision
December 5, 2022 - Resubmitted
January 10, 2023 - Accepted after revision
January 23, 2023 - Resubmitted
February 5, 2023 - Accepted

I hope everyone can successfully publish their papers.

zht411 2023-01-04

2022-10-29 Submit
2023-01-04 Awaiting Reviewer Scores
2023-02-07 Reject

The first review took 3 months, so please be cautious and selective in submitting for graduation.

youranjiutian 2022-12-27

22.0723 - submit
22.1011 - minor revision
22.1025 - revision submit
22.1219 - accept after revision
22.1221 - accept

s4425838 2022-12-02

Finally, I carefully reviewed it again, paying attention to every detail and making improvements. I also pointed out several typical word usages, which were very beneficial. I hope to focus on Q1 next year.

rice大米 2022-11-09

I have been waiting for 20 days and just checked, it is still "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment". Does anyone know what this situation is?

s4425838 2022-11-07

1 and a half months for the initial review results, the email indicates it is recommended for publication, but it requires major revisions;
It took 1 month for the revisions;
The second review took 6 weeks; it was accepted after modifications (formatting changes).

s4425838 2022-09-26

May I ask how to tell if AE recommends minor repairs?

瓦达瓦 2022-08-18

Mid-March submission
Mid-May major revision
Late June revised submission
Late July accepted after minor revision
Mid-August accepted

s4425838 2022-07-19

Special edition submitted on 7.18. It is said that all results will be released before November 30. Hoping for good luck.

武器大师成龙 2022-07-16

Still, there should be a certain degree of creativity. From my perspective, the difficulty level is slightly higher than that of a normal second-tier journal (such as IJEPES). Typically, there are 2-5 reviewers. Based on what you said, I dare not be too optimistic. It will depend on luck. This journal still has a certain rejection rate.

Quarantine 2022-07-14

2022.3.10 Submission
2022.4.25 First review comments, three reviewers, the questions are not very sharp.

wawxf 2022-05-16

I would like to ask the senior, is this journal demanding in terms of innovation? I just submitted a paper that uses a method in a different way from what others have done in the same scenario, and it has achieved better results than four mainstream journals in the field of transportation. What are the chances of this paper being accepted by this journal?

武器大师成龙 2022-05-10

2022.01.27 Submission
2022.03.28 First review comments, AE recommends minor revisions, Editor-in-Chief suggests major revisions, 10 comments in total from two reviewers and Editor-in-Chief.
2022.04.14 Resubmission
2022.05.08 Acceptance
This journal has been submitted twice. The previous submission took about 5 months. Both submission experiences were good, with a relatively stable review speed. The only drawback is that the progress cannot be seen in the ScholarOne submission system, it stays "Under Review" throughout.
After acceptance, the editor will help rewrite the entire paper in detail and proofread it word by word, making me feel embarrassed. The experience is great and I hope they can reach the top journal level in the next two years.

Drizzly_n 2022-05-04

The speed is a bit slow, but both the AE and the post-production proofreaders/editors are very responsible and patient. They literally print out the article and make corrections bit by bit, and the graphics are also optimized. The experience is really great.
Moreover, there is no charge for the entire process, neither for the review nor the layout, and it is sponsored by the State Grid.
OA journals may have some impact on the later stage, but OA is now an international trend.
I wish MPCE success and hope they strive for a higher ranking.

choucijilehaha 2022-05-03

2022.1-Submission, 2022.5-Resubmission after revision, 2022.8-Accepted.
This is really really too slow. However, I have to give the editor some credit for giving the opportunity to revise instead of outright rejecting when the reviewer is talking nonsense.

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