Amy Case

United States Solvitur Consulting


Commented on Conceptualization of college students’ COVID-19 related mask-wearing behaviors using the Multi-Theory Model of health behavior change
I'm not sure strictly educational interventions would move the needle for those reluctant to wear masks.


Commented on Primate thanatology and hominoid mortuary archeology
It's amazing how dedicated human beings are to find one specific way that makes us more advanced or special compared to the rest of the animal kingdom. This discussion is a pointed reminder of some of the ways these efforts have failed.


Commented on ASP General Small Grant
The URL is now


Commented on Artificial intelligence mobile health platform for early detection of COVID-19 in quarantine subjects using a wearable biosensor: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
I wonder if this type of technology could have hastened the time to diagnosis for my neighbor, who only found out her positive COVID diagnosis due to repeated TIAs, which did not merit hospitalization. Now she is evidently in a nursing home for the long term (stroke as sequela to COVID).


Commented on Adherence to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Guidelines for Reporting Randomized Controlled Trials Related to Mandibular Third Molars
I would argue that editorial policy needs to enforce rather than encourage--the latter does not seem to be working.


Commented on More comprehensive reporting of methods in studies using respondent driven sampling is required: a systematic review of the uptake of the STROBE-RDS guidelines
An excellent idea for a study, but it would be more helpful if the abstract had reported their results more explicitly (i.e. numbers/percentages rather than "most" and "over half").


Commented on What is the impact of reporting guidelines on Public Health journals in Europe? The case of STROBE, CONSORT and PRISMA
Only 1.5% "appeared" to follow guidelines--does this mean that the authors included articles in which adherence to guidelines was not specified?


Commented on User Engagement in Research as a Tool for Dismantling Ageism
Unfortunately, this article does not have an abstract available on the journal's web site.


Commented on High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is an Effective Method to Improve Maximal Respiratory Function, Blood Pressure and Resting Cardiac Work in Lifelong Sedentary Ageing Men
Literally everyone is "aging." I wish authors would rid their lexicon of this word when used to say that someone is middle aged or elderly.


Commented on Ambulatory blood pressure response to a bout of HIIT in metabolic syndrome patients
This is a confusing way to present and compare results: "In hypertensive subjects, systolic ABP was reduced by 6.1 ± 2.2 mmHg after HIIT compared to MICT and REST (130.8 ± 3.9 vs. 137.4 ± 5.1 and 136.4 ± 3.8 mmHg, respectively; p < 0.05)," as the abstract does not state what the initial systolic ABP was for each group.


I like the way that this journal features a "New and Noteworthy" section at the end of the abstract. However, not all authors ae able to clearly articulate what is new and noteworthy about their research.


Commented on Impact Of Caffeine On Exercising Forearm Blood Flow And VO2 In Type II Diabetes
There were only 8 subjects in this study, so the results might not be terribly stable. Still, I appreciate the authors for publishing a study in which the null hypothesis is confirmed.


Commented on Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship
Funding for feminist science fiction writing--amazing!


Some of the abstracts could be more carefully proofread and edited before publication, e.g.