Aleksandar Karadimce

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle - Ohrid


Commented on Funding grants & challenges
Safe Online This call is to enable innovation, improve the capacity of all stakeholders to address online CSEA and interrelated digital harms, and make the Internet safe for children. Deadline for applications: 15 September, 2024 Link


Commented on How to learn programming
This is an invitation to a workshop on math, coding, and AI. It discusses the workshop's entails, the target audience, and the computer requirements. The workshop will be a hands-on experience. Participants will learn how to develop a game using Scratch coding and machine learning. They will also learn about mathematical equation graphs. The target audience includes students in grades 6-12, teachers, parents, and adults [1]. The minimum eligibility requirement is one week of experience with Scratch coding or one month of experience with any other computer programming language. To participate in the workshop, a computer with a webcam, internet connection, and internet browser is required. Tablet computers are also acceptable, but cell phones are not recommended. Start date: 18 September 2024 at 15:00 CEST Register here


Commented on AI in education, teaching, learning
Explore the Future of CS Education with AI! Anxious about AI making coding obsolete? has new guidance ( to help computer science educators thrive in the AI age. This resource dispels myths and offers insights from experts on how AI can enhance CS education, not replace it. Learn why programming remains crucial, how educators are using AI in classrooms, and how to empower students as responsible AI consumers and creators. Developed by a consortium of leading organizations (TeachAI, CSTA, AAAI, and more!), this guidance is a must-read for any educator navigating the future of CS. Visit to access the first installment, featuring three key briefs: Why Students Still Need to Learn Programming Teaching with and About AI in CS Classrooms Cultivating Critical Consumers and Responsible AI Creators Register for launch webinars on August 14th ( and stay tuned for additional briefs releasing through early 2025.


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
The 12th IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (IEEE CNS) 2024 is hosting a Cyber Resilience Workshop in Taipei, Taiwan (September 29 - October 3, 2024). This workshop focuses on advancements in machine learning/AI for cyber resilience, zero-trust architectures, and proactive defenses. Researchers from academia, industry, and government are invited to submit original research (6 pages maximum) on topics like: Theoretical foundations of cyber resilience Techniques for building resilient systems Human factors in cyber resilience Resilience in various systems (IoT, 5G, critical infrastructure) Important Dates: Paper Submission Deadline: August 10, 2024 (Workshop URL) Notification of Acceptance: August 31, 2024 Final Paper Submission: September 5, 2024 Workshop Date: October 3, 2024 Submission Requirements: Unpublished work PDF format, 10pt font size, 10pt line spacing Benefits of Attending: Share your research with a relevant audience Get published in IEEE CNS 2024 proceedings and IEEE Xplore This workshop is a great opportunity for cybersecurity experts to present their latest findings and network with colleagues. Submit your research today!


Commented on Global supply chains, energy crisis, inflation rate, food prices
Agri-Food Supply Chain Transparency with Blockchain This paper explores challenges in the Agri-food supply chain, where farmers rely on a network of sensors to monitor product quality. The main issue is ensuring data transparency and security throughout the chain, preventing tampering or manipulation. Blockchain technology is proposed as a solution because it can track data securely and transparently. However, managing a large network of sensors presents its security concerns. The authors introduce a new architecture that utilizes Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) to manage sensor data. This allows farmers to define what data each sensor can collect and transmit, ensuring data integrity. Authorized users can then access this data securely. The paper highlights the efficiency of this approach, demonstrating fast data processing and retrieval times. This architecture improves data security and transparency and enhances the overall management of sensor networks in the Agri-Food supply chain.


Commented on Journal Publishing
I'm pleased to invite you to submit your original research on robotics for publication in the Journal of Robotics Research (JRR). JRR is a leading platform dedicated to disseminating cutting-edge advancements in the field. JRR Scope: They welcome submissions across various robotics disciplines, including but not limited to: Robotic Systems: Autonomous robots, humanoid robots, mobile robots, industrial robots Robotic Components: Sensors and actuators, robotic control systems, robot perception and cognition, robot motion planning Robotics Applications: Medical robotics, service robotics, agricultural robotics, underwater and aerial robotics Advanced Robotics: Swarm robotics, soft robotics, bio-inspired robotics, human-robot interaction Submission Guidelines: Originality: We accept unpublished work not currently under review elsewhere. Review Process: Each submission undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer review. Formatting: Manuscripts must adhere to the journal's template (available on the website). Length: Full papers should be between 6-20 pages (including figures, tables, and references). Submission Link: Submit your manuscript electronically via EDAS on the journal's website: [invalid URL removed] robotics-research-jrr For detailed information on the submission process and review timeline, please visit the JRR website.


Commented on Internet of Things (IoT Hub)
Calling All IoT Enthusiasts! Celebrate 10 Years of Innovation at WF-IoT2024! Join us for the 10th anniversary World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT2024)! This prestigious IEEE conference brings together leading minds in academia and industry to explore the exciting world of IoT. Submit your original technical papers and presentations on all things IoT: Theory and technology Applications driving growth Operational considerations and deployments Real-world experiences and their impact The future of IoT across sectors This year's theme: "Unleashing the Power of IoT with AI" Explore the intersection of AI and IoT, shaping the future across our planet and beyond! WF-IoT2024 will be held in person! Important Dates: Submission Deadline: July 20, 2024 Acceptance Notification: August 30, 2024 Final Paper Submission: September 10, 2024 Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation! Submit your work here:


Commented on Conferences 2023-2024
3rd International Conference on Electrical and Information Technology (IEIT 2024) - Call for Papers ( Theme: The Role of Vocational Higher Education in Supporting Green Industry: Collaboration for Innovation and Sustainable Product Commercialization Dates: September 12-13, 2024 (hybrid format) Call to Action: Researchers and industry professionals from all areas of advanced technology and science are invited to submit papers. Highlights: International forum to present research, identify emerging topics, and define the future of electrical and information technology. Keynote speakers and potential publication in the IEEE Xplore digital library (for accepted and presented papers aligned with IEEE's scope). Important Dates: Submission Deadline: July 11, 2024 Notification of Acceptance: August 22, 2024 Camera-Ready Paper & Registration: August 30, 2024 Website:


Commented on Full duplicate candidate pruning for frequent connected subgraph mining
This research presents new methods to find frequently appearing connected subgraphs within large datasets. The algorithms identify and eliminate redundant searches and utilize a special structure to compare subgraphs efficiently. This approach is particularly effective for datasets with many labels and when searching for common subgraphs. The researchers plan to expand this technique to find other frequent graph patterns.


Commented on Environmental Science
AURORAL Open Call for Smart Rural Communities Projects Extended to July 15th ( The AURORAL project consortium invites applications for their Open Call focused on developing Smart Communities in rural areas. AURORAL's Mission: Leverage digitalization to improve rural regions economically and socially and bridge the digital divide. Support existing Smart Communities and create new ones through innovative technologies. Call to Action: Participate in the Open Call if your project aims to improve Smart Community ecosystems in rural areas. Important Dates: The application deadline has been extended to July 15th, 2024, at 12:00 CEST. Additional Resources: Learn more about the Open Call and Q&A session details:


Commented on 21st Century Skills
The European Year of Skills aimed to boost adult learning in Europe, especially those skills needed for the green and digital transitions. The EPALE Resource Kit summarizes how the EPALE online community participated in this initiative throughout the year. You can access the resource kit to learn more (


Commented on Applied Biology & Biotechnology
24th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering (BIBE2024) The 24th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering (BIBE2024) will be held in Kragujevac, Serbia on November 27-29, 2024. This long-running conference aims to bring together researchers from bioinformatics, bioengineering, and biomedicine to foster collaboration and address complex issues in these fields. Conference Topics: Bioinformatics / Computational Biology: including sequence analysis, protein structure prediction, systems biology, and more. Bioengineering: including medical robotics, nano-medicine, biomaterials, wearable devices, and more. Important Dates: Paper Submission Deadline: August 1, 2024 (full papers up to 8 pages) Acceptance Notification: August 30, 2024 Registration Deadline: September 15, 2024 Keynote Speakers: Prominent researchers will present on topics like hydrogel applications in cancer therapy, technological advancements in diagnosing heart failure, and 3D printing for organ engineering. Paper Submission: Submit original, unpublished work electronically in PDF format following IEEE specifications (single-spaced, double-column, 10-point font). Two papers are accepted: full papers (up to 8 pages) and short papers (up to 5 pages). Conference Website:


I'm inviting you to submit your research paper to the Journal of Mechanics and Materials (JMM) (, which covers various topics in mechanics and materials science. They are interested in original research articles, reviews, and technical notes. The journal also invites you to submit your paper to the "International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology, and Innovation (IESTI 2024)", which will be held online on September 19th, 2024. You can find more information on the conference website (


Commented on Virtual & Augmented Reality
ITU Focus Group on Metaverse Concludes, Paving the Way for Standardized Virtual Worlds ( This excerpt from the Digital Transformation and Cities Digest celebrates the successful conclusion of the ITU Focus Group on Metaverse (FG-MV). Established in December 2022, the FG-MV brought together experts to define technical requirements for an open, interoperable, secure, and accessible metaverse. Over its tenure, the group produced 52 reports and technical specifications, analyzing fundamental technologies like multimedia, network optimization, and digital twins. These deliverables lay a solid foundation for future metaverse development aligned with sustainable development goals. The ITU expresses gratitude to FG-MV participants and remains committed to advancing metaverse standardization while promoting digital inclusion.


Commented on Controlling the False Discovery Rate for Feature Selection in High-resolution NMR Spectra
This research highlights the usefulness of H-NMR spectroscopy in analyzing signals from metabolites to gain insights into health and physiological functions. Using a multiple-testing approach, it proposes a new method that controls for false positives (FDR). This method improves how we interpret the chosen features compared to traditional methods like PCA and PLS. It shows that this new approach leads to a better selection of features and more accurate classification using real-world H-NMR data from human blood plasma. However, the researchers acknowledge that the chosen features might not be universally applicable and that the study was limited by a small sample size.