Rae Dixon

United States Purdue University Global


Commented on Distance learning
As a distant learning educator and former learner, there are some key differences between this style of learning and in a traditional setting. For example, I do a lot of task type work for my online classes such as setting up parts of the class, creating announcements, participating on discussion boards, creating and hosting live seminars and continuously providing updates. I used to teach in a traditional setting and although I had many tasks to complete, there is more task type work in an online class. Students should expect the same type of information and delivery of material. I've had some learners share with me that they find online courses more challenging and busier than a traditional class. I've also had many learners share with me that they prefer the traditional, in-class setting versus online (distant learning).


Commented on Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychology: The Study of Workplace Behavior
I/O psychologists are helping to reshape the workplace post-pandemic. https://www.apa.org/members/content/post-pandemic-workplace


Commented on Parenting Centrality in Emerging Adulthood
Interesting study. Taking this a step further, it'd be great to examine the shifts in career goals and socieoeconomic status.


Commented on Mental health
Some ways to protect mental health during the holidays include the following. e good news is there are ways in which you can plan for and protect your mental health during the holiday season. Below are some suggestions: 1). Identify your holiday triggers. 2). Give yourself permission to feel your emotions. 3). Limit or take a break from social media. 4). Be patient with yourself. 5). Practice self-compassion this holiday season. 6). Reach out to others. 7). Talk with a mental health professional. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/logged-in-and-stressed-out/202211/minding-your-mental-health-holiday-season


Commented on Canine Food Dispenser
I love this! I have two small (senior) doggies, and this would be perfect for them.


Commented on Back & Neck Health and Spinal Treatments
Excellent webinar! I can relate due to my own personal experience with back and neck issues. I was happy to hear the information on disc degenerative disease discussed and ways to help protect discs.


Commented on Diagnosis for All Rare Genetic Diseases
Having a better understanding of rare genetic diseases helps with diagnosis and treatment as well as a guide for looking at other types of diseases.


Commented on Preventing heart disease with machine learning and smartphone technology
It's amazing what science and technology can do. I'm curious as to your thoughts on how this technology could impact someone's mental health.


Commented on Biomarkers and Peripheral Drivers of Dementia Identified Using Plasma Proteomics
Great webinar! I've had a few family members pass from Alzheimer's (complications from the disease). This is great information to know. Last year a friend of mine passed away from complications of Huntington's disease. Her physical and mental deterioration was difficult to watch over a span of several years. Understanding the impact of neurodegenerative diseases and having a support system are key for such genetic findings.


Commented on Academic Career Advice
Some advice I'd like to share regarding academic career development is this; do your research regarding your area(s) of interest, and your short and long-term career and/or academic goals.


Commented on Management issues in higher education
Higher education institutions face a plethora of challenges that require attention from management and trustees. Some of these challenges include state of our economy, admission policies and procedures and safety and security on college campuses. https://www.pwc.com/us/en/industries/health-industries/library/higher-education-perspectives.html


Commented on Public Health
Interesting news article. In the small, unincorporated town of Channelview, Texas a long time kept secret has been revealed. Apparently, for almost 20 years residents of Channelview, which is east of Houston have been routinely breathing dangerous levels of benzene, a chemical linked to leukemia and other blood cancers as well as diabetes and reproductive problems. Here's the link. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/texas-found-startling-amounts-of-a-cancer-causing-chemical-in-the-air-outside-houston-nobody-told-the-residents/ar-AA1lrgpg


Commented on Panel Discussion: Making the Move from Academia to Industry
I'm currently working on transitioning from academia to industry work. I still want to teach a course here and there but, my goal is to get into industry work. I've done some research on how to make this transition and much of what I've read and heard showcases the importance of networking and selling one's transferable skills.


Commented on "Boys want sex, girls want relationships": gendered sex scripts and parent-child consent communication
Interesting poster for sure. I'd be curious to see how this study would look examining adults.


Commented on Sexual development: influence of peers and media on adolescent sex ethics & behaviors when parent communication quality is low
Great poster! The findings clearly showcase the importance of effective communication between adolescents, peers and parents.