Harwinder Sidhu

United States Research


评论了 Red Wine, Grapes, and Better Health—Resveratrol
Grapes and red wine in moderate quantity has many health and skin benefits.


评论了 Pomegranate and type 2 diabetes


评论了 Pomegranate and type 2 diabetes
This article discusses potential beneficial effects of pomegranate for type 2 diabetes. Though before it can be recommended as a dietary supplement controlled clinical trails are required.


评论了 Pomegranate or Poppy
This is a question of what lies between Cornucopias and Hasmonaean coins? A pomegranate or poppy.


评论了 Peel of the Orange
Orange peel is used for many thugs including to clean the skin. It is also consumed for its big be fiber content and vitamins.


评论了 You Smell Flowers, I Smell Stale Urine
Very interesting article on olfactory receptors. Everyone’s olfactory world is unique it seems.


评论了 Extraction and characterization of natural enzymes from bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) and effect of enzyme inhibitors in extending the shelf life of bottle gourd cut pieces
Bottle gourd is very beneficial. This article discusses the effect of enzyme inhibitors in extending the shelf life of cut bottle gourd.


评论了 Evaluation of Anti-Psychotic potential of Phytocompound rich Fractions of Methanolic extract of Lagenaria siceraria (Bottle Gourd) fruits in Murine Models of Schizophrenia
This article backs the folklore claims that bottle gourd has beneficial anti psychotic effects. It is extremely beneficial to people with schizophrenia per this article.


评论了 Meat-free world
While this sounds ideological, a meat free world is not so simple to achieve since some people and conditions might be needing the nutrients specifically found in certain types of meat.


评论了 The ketogenic diet all grown up—Ketogenic diet therapies for adults
Ketogenic diet is recommended for any conditions mainly brain health related it seems though it’s long term effects on pregnancy or other cardiovascular health are not fully understood.


评论了 The ketogenic diet and remission of psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia: Two case studies
There are many articles based on ketogenic diet being helpful in schizophrenia by providing an alternative glucose source to the brain. Might be worth more looking into per the old proverb food is medicine.


评论了 Cross-sectional study of diet patterns in early and chronic schizophrenia
As compared to healthy controls patients with schizophrenia had a low Compliance rate for WHO a recommended levels of fiber, fruits, vegetables and cholesterol intake.


评论了 Ketogenic diet for schizophrenia
Recent findings indicate that in schizophrenia there is a bioenergetics dysfunction characterized by abnormal Glucose handling and mitochondrial dysfunctions resulting in impaired synaptic communication in the brain. Ketogenic diet provides alternative fuel to glucose for bio energetic functions in the brain normalizing schizophrenia like behaviors.


评论了 Understanding Travel Behavior through Travel Happiness
Travel behavior through travel happiness. This pretty sums it up.


评论了 The ghost shrimp strikes back
Sea snake attacked by ghost shrimp while foraging for gobi. They both feed on gobi. Apparently despite the size of the ghost shrimp, the snake lost and had a hemorrhage.