Harwinder Sidhu

United States Research


评论了 Gateway for Cancer Research Funding
Gateway for cancer research funding in the amount of 800,000 USD for local governments and non profit organizations.


评论了 Early stage - Funding
Early stage funding opportunity for companies with a high potential for growth in the relevant technology.


评论了 Foods and liver health
Foods rich in Omega3 are good for liver health


评论了 Nature Cancer
The above link is not working. Here is the link to this journal: https://www.nature.com/natcancer/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsdjelsWr-AIVkBXUAR0Sjw4hEAAYASAAEgL6afD_BwE


评论了 Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
This journal is an interdisciplinary open-access journal focussing on the fundamental processes of life with a high-quality editorial board.


评论了 Taking the fish out of fish oil
This article discusses the demand and supply of fish oil as well as the process of taking fish oil out of the fish. More effective means are available to take the fish oil out of the fish.


评论了 Fish, Fish Oil, and Pregnancy
Fish oil is extremely beneficial for the brain health as it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. However the full access to article is not available to see whether it is safe to be consumed by pregnant women?


评论了 AstraZeneca Young Scientist Poster Prize
Great funding opportunity for Ph.D. students to study Cancer or carcinogenesis. Upper £500GBP. The deadline to apply is June 7th.


NEJM is a very reputable journal with a good impact score and is recognized worldwide.


评论了 Insomnia
Insomnia can be due to several reasons and often manifests itself as comorbidity with several physical and psychological diseases.


评论了 Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of COVID-19
Interesting nature article on the long term cardiovascular effects of covid 19. It was found that covid 19 patients had an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases as compared to normal controls.


评论了 Src-Tyrosine kinases are major agents in mitochondrial tyrosine phosphorylation
Src family members are important agents in regulating mitochondrial tyrosine phosphorylation. It is a crucial mechanism for regulating mitochondrial function.


评论了 Avocado Oil Improves Mitochondrial Function and Decreases Oxidative Stress in Brain of Diabetic Rats
Avocados are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are very beneficial for the brain health. No wonder avocado oil improved mitochondrial function and decreased oxidative stress in diabetic rats.


评论了 Resveratrol from Red Grapes – Pedestrian Polyphenol or Useful Anticancer Agent?
Resveratrol from red grapes is widely studied for potential benefits in many health conditions. It is also being investigated as a potential anti cancer agent.