Gloria Bartolo

United States Keck Graduate Institute


评论了 Exercise
I was not aware strength training increases sensitivity to insulin, interesting!


评论了 Statins, Exercise, and Exercise Training∗
It would be interesting to see the effects of statins on physically active patients, as mentioned.


评论了 Exercise: Exercise – great for your Elf
Were the diets of physically active and physically inactive jobs also studied?


评论了 Infection-induced proteolysis of PGRP-LC controls the IMD activation and melanization cascades in Drosophila
Does drosophila microbiota affect IMD or even the toll pathway?


评论了 Activation of Imd pathway in hemocyte confers infection resistance through humoral response in Drosophila
How large of a role is IMD (gram-negative targeting pathway) have on gram-negative infections?


评论了 Oral Bacterial Infection and Shedding in Drosophila melanogaster
Are there major differences in fly survival or intestinal cfu if flies are continuously fed bacteria, not just for 24 hours?


评论了 The Toll-Dorsal Pathway Is Required for Resistance to Viral Oral Infection in Drosophila
Was Toll pathway expression imaged in the various sections of the gut?


评论了 Unexpected role of the IMD pathway in Drosophila gut defense against Staphylococcus aureus
Wonder if other gram-positive pathogens would have similar results?


评论了 Mutations in the IMD Pathway and Mustard Counter Vibrio cholerae Suppression of Intestinal Stem Cell Division in Drosophila
How many other regulators for IMD exist in Drosophila? And, do they vary by region (i.e. gut versus fat body)?


评论了 Clostridial pore-forming toxins: Powerful virulence factors
Is diphtheria a pore-forming toxin?


评论了 Pore-forming toxins: ancient, but never really out of fashion
Can anyone help explain the difference between pore-forming toxins and pore-forming proteins? Are PFTs only bacterial products, while PFPs can be found in other organisms?


评论了 Diphtheria
How often can patients become infected with diphtheria although they have completed the vaccination doses? And are boosters recommended for children as well, or only adults?


评论了 Glycan region of GPI anchored-protein is required for cytocidal oligomerization of an anticancer parasporin-2, Cry46Aa1 protein, from Bacillus thuringiensis strain A1547
I wonder how the therapeutic aspect of Cry46Aa1 protein is going? Since it was seen to have selective cytotoxicity to colon cancer cells.


评论了 Diphtheria
Is HB-EGF the only known receptor for diphtheria toxin?