Gloria Bartolo

United States Keck Graduate Institute


评论了 Lipid Catabolism Fuels Drosophila Gut Immunity
Are any bacterial byproducts/toxins known to affect lipid metabolism? Maybe as a way to impair ROS production?


评论了 Methods to study Drosophila immunity
How broad is the protective effect of Wolbachia?


评论了 Antiviral immunity in drosophila
How protective are the antiviral effects of Wolbachia?


评论了 Cytokines in Drosophila immunity
Would only specific cytokines be able to be studied in Drosophila?


评论了 ‘USDA Red’ Spinach
Wow, another reason to add spinach (specifically red spinach) to our diets. I was not aware of the antioxidant betacyanin!


评论了 Functional relationships between aboveground and belowground spinach (Spinacia oleracea L., cv. Racoon) microbiomes impacted by salinity and drought
What other environmental factors are known or thought to impact soil/plant microbiome?


评论了 Using first-passage time to link behaviour and habitat in foraging paths of a terrestrial predator, the racoon
Very neat study! It does make sense that the reason raccoons moved quickly through low vegetation areas could be to reduce the risk of being spotted by prey.


评论了 Periorbital Ecchymosis (Racoon Eyes): A Case of a Primary Systemic Amyloidosis
Numbness for three years? That's awful :(


评论了 Genetic relatedness does not predict racoon social network structure
Wonder why male raccoons share dens and are not bothered by the presence of other males?


评论了 Synergistic effects on dopamine cell death in a Drosophila model of chronic toxin exposure
Crazy how maneb alone increased survival compared to vehicle alone. Definitely puzzling but interesting.


评论了 Male-killing toxin in a bacterial symbiont of Drosophila
I may have missed this, but why is it beneficial to the endosymbiont to kill male progeny?


评论了 c-Jun Proto-Oncoprotein Plays a Protective Role in Lung Epithelial Cells Exposed to Staphylococcal α-Toxin
It would be interesting to see c-Jun levels studied in vivo during S. aureus infection.


评论了 Residues involved in the pore-forming activity of theClostridium perfringensiota toxin
I was not aware of chloroquine's effect on such toxins, very interesting!