4.5 Article

Pulmonary Surfactant Protein SP-C Counteracts the Deleterious Effects of Cholesterol on the Activity of Surfactant Films under Physiologically Relevant Compression-Expansion Dynamics


Volume 97, Issue 10, Pages 2736-2745


DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2009.08.045





  1. Spanish Ministry of Science [BIO2006-03130, CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 CSD2007-00010]
  2. Community of Madrid [S0505/MAT/0283]
  3. Complutense University
  4. Inter-university Attraction Poles (IAP) [P6/19]
  5. Marie Curie Networks [CT-04-007931, CT-04-51222]

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The presence of cholesterol is critical in defining a dynamic lateral structure in pulmonary surfactant membranes. However, an excess of cholesterol has been associated with impaired surface activity of surfactant. It has also been reported that surfactant protein SP-C interacts with cholesterol in lipid/protein interfacial films. In this study, we analyzed the effect of SP-C on the thermodynamic properties of phospholipid membranes containing cholesterol, and the ability of lipid/protein complexes containing cholesterol to form and respread interfacial films capable of producing very low surface tensions upon repetitive compression-expansion cycling. SP-C modulates the effect of cholesterol to reduce the enthalpy associated with the gel-to-liquid-crystalline melting transition in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers, as analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry. The presence of SP-C affects more subtly the effects of cholesterol on the thermotropic properties of ternary membranes, mimicking more closely the lipid composition of native surfactant, where SP-C facilitates the miscibility of the sterol. Incorporation of 1% or 2% SP-C (protein/phospholipid by weight) promotes almost instantaneous adsorption of suspensions of DPPC/palmitoyloleoylphospatidylcholine (POPC)/palmitoyloleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (POPG) (50:25:15, w/w/w) into the air-liquid interface of a captive bubble, in both the absence and presence of cholesterol. However, cholesterol impairs the ability of SP-C-containing films to achieve very low surface tensions in bubbles subjected to compression-expansion cycling. Cholesterol also substantially impairs the ability of DPPC/POPC/POPG films containing 1% surfactant protein SP-B to mimic the interfacial behavior of native surfactant films, which are characterized by very low minimum surface tensions with only limited area change during compression and practically no compression-expansion hysteresis. However, the simultaneous presence of 2% SP-C practically restores the compression-expansion dynamics of cholesterol- and SP-B-containing films to the efficient behavior shown in the absence of cholesterol. This suggests that cooperation between the two proteins is required for lipid-protein films containing cholesterol to achieve optimal performance under physiologically relevant compression-expansion dynamics.


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