International conference on physical activity and obesity in children: summary statement and recommendationsThis summary statement and recommendations from the International Conference on Physical Activity and Obesity in Children is being published simultaneously in the International Journal of Pediatric Obesity and Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.For the International Association for the Study of Obesity Physical Activity Task Force and the Conference Speaker Panel (the conference speaker panel includes Tom Baranowski, Claude Bouchard, Kelly Brownell, Deborah Cohen, William H. Dietz, Rod Dishman, Mary Flynn, William Haskell, James O. Hill, W.P.T. (Philip) James, Russell Pate, John Peters, Michael Pratt, Harry Rutter, James Sallis, Jo Salmon, Chantal Simon, and Boyd Swinburn).

International conference on physical activity and obesity in children: summary statement and recommendationsThis summary statement and recommendations from the International Conference on Physical Activity and Obesity in Children is being published simultaneously in the International Journal of Pediatric Obesity and Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.For the International Association for the Study of Obesity Physical Activity Task Force and the Conference Speaker Panel (the conference speaker panel includes Tom Baranowski, Claude Bouchard, Kelly Brownell, Deborah Cohen, William H. Dietz, Rod Dishman, Mary Flynn, William Haskell, James O. Hill, W.P.T. (Philip) James, Russell Pate, John Peters, Michael Pratt, Harry Rutter, James Sallis, Jo Salmon, Chantal Simon, and Boyd Swinburn).
Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism
Volume 33, Issue 2, Pages 371-388
Canadian Science Publishing

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