High resolution FTIR spectroscopy of sulfur dioxide in the 1550–1950 cm −1 region: First analysis of the ν1+ν2/ν2+ν3 bands of 32 S 16 O 18 O and experimental line intensities of ro-vibrational transitions in the ν1+ν2/ν2+ν3 bands of 32 S 16 O 2 , 34 S 16 O 2 , 32 S 18 O 2 and 32 S 16 O 18 O

High resolution FTIR spectroscopy of sulfur dioxide in the 1550–1950 cm −1 region: First analysis of the ν1+ν2/ν2+ν3 bands of 32 S 16 O 18 O and experimental line intensities of ro-vibrational transitions in the ν1+ν2/ν2+ν3 bands of 32 S 16 O 2 , 34 S 16 O 2 , 32 S 18 O 2 and 32 S 16 O 18 O
The , interacting states of sulfur dioxide, high resolution spectrum of sulfur dioxide species, line positions, intensities
Elsevier BV

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