Volume 14, Issue -, Pages -Publisher
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1169091
mango orchard; spiral fertiliser discharger; parameter optimisation; genetic algorithm; discrete element method; response surface methodology
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This study developed a small spiral fertiliser discharger and conducted tests and parameter optimization to address the issues of inaccurate and unstable fertilization and low fertiliser utilization rate in mango orchards. The results and methods of this study provide reference for the development of mango orchard fertilization machinery and related fertilizing performance tests.
IntroductionIn order to solve the problems of inaccurate fertilization, unstable fertilization and low fertiliserutilization rate in mango orchard.MethodsA small spiral fertiliser discharger was designed based on the agronomic characteristics of fertilization in mango orchard. The fertilizing performance test and parameter optimization of thespiral fertiliser discharger were carried out by combining bench and simulation test. Firstly, the main influencing factors of the fertilizing performance of the spiral fertiliser discharger were analyzed by theoretical calculation formula, and the range of its value was preliminarily determined. At the same time, the digital and discrete element models of the spiral fertiliser discharger were established. Then,the discrete element model of granular fertiliser was established on the basis of the physical and related mechanical simulation parameters of granular fertiliser obtained by experimental statistics.Taking the variable coefficient of fertilizing stability as the response value, the method of singlefactor simulation fertilizing test was used to explore the parameters that have a significant influence on the variable coefficient of fertilizing stability. The response surface method (RSM) was used tosimulate the fertilizing performance of three significant parameters. Based on the quadraticregression orthogonal rotation combination design test, a second-order regression mathematicalmodel between the variable coefficient of fertilizing stability and the significant parameters wasestablished. The variable coefficient of fertilizing stability was as small as possible. The geneticalgorithm (GA) was used to optimize the regression model. Finally, the verification test of thefluidity and applicability of different fertilisers was carried out.ResultsThe results of single factor test showed that the diameter of spiral blade, pitch and rotationalspeed of fertilizing shaft have significant influence on the variable coefficient of fertilizing stability.The optimal parameter combination of the spiral fertiliser discharger was obtained: 98.44 mm for thediameter of spiral blade, 54.8 mm for the pitch, and 24.43 r/min for the rotational speed of fertilizingshaft. The verification results showed that the average relative error of the test was small, and themass flow rate of different fertilisers and the variable coefficient of fertilizing stability could meetthe agronomic requirements of fertilization in mango orchards. The reliability of the discrete elementsimulation test results and research methods of the spiral fertiliser discharger was verified.ConclusionThe results and methods of this study can provide reference for the development of mangoorchard fertilization machinery and related fertilizing performance test.
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