4.1 Article

SpK: A fast atomic and microphysics code for the high-energy-density regime


Volume 48, Issue -, Pages -


DOI: 10.1016/j.hedp.2023.101053


Atomic physics; Statistical physics; High energy density matter; Continuum lowering; Radiative properties; Radiation transport

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SpK is a numerical code used at Imperial College London for modeling high energy density physics experiments. It efficiently calculates electronic and ionic stage populations, opacities, and emissivities for post-processing and radiation hydrodynamics simulations. SpK uses a treap data structure to dynamically store spectral data.
SpK is part of the numerical codebase at Imperial College London used to model high energy density physics (HEDP) experiments. SpK is an efficient atomic and microphysics code used to perform detailed configuration accounting calculations of electronic and ionic stage populations, opacities and emissivities for use in post -processing and radiation hydrodynamics simulations. This is done using screened hydrogenic atomic data supplemented by the NIST energy level database. An extended Saha model solves for chemical equilibrium with extensions for non-ideal physics, such as ionisation potential depression, and non thermal equilibrium corrections. A tree-heap (treap) data structure is used to store spectral data, such as opacity, which is dynamic thus allowing easy insertion of points around spectral lines without a-priori knowledge of the ion stage populations. Results from SpK are compared to other codes and descriptions of radiation transport solutions which use SpK data are given. The treap data structure and SpK's computational efficiency allows inline post-processing of 3D hydrodynamics simulations with a dynamically evolving spectrum stored in a treap.


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