4.7 Article

Functions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in regulating endangered species Heptacodium miconioides growth and drought stress tolerance


Volume -, Issue -, Pages -


DOI: 10.1007/s00299-023-03076-9


Endangered plant; Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; Drought stress; Photosynthetic apparatus; Transcriptome


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The symbiotic relationship between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Heptacodium miconioides seedlings can improve leaf morphology and photosynthetic capacity under drought stress, through the regulation of multiple physiological and molecular mechanisms to enhance plant tolerance to drought.
The wild endangered tree Heptacodium miconioides is distributed sporadically in mountainous areas and often subjected to various abiotic stresses, such as drought. The mutualistic association between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is known to have a significant impact on plant growth and their ability to withstand drought conditions. However, the role of AMF in H. miconioides seedlings in regulating drought tolerance remains unknown. This study investigated the ability of AMF symbionts to mitigate drought and their underlying mechanism on H. miconioides leaves. The results showed that drought stress dramatically decreased the leaf biomass and damaged the chloroplast structure in seedlings. Conversely, inoculation with AMF noticeably alleviated the deleterious effects of drought stress by restoring leaf morphology and improving the photosynthetic capacity. Moreover, plants inoculated with AMF enhanced the proportion of palisade tissue to spongy tissue in the leaves and the size of starch grains and number of plastoglobules in the chloroplast ultrastructure. A transcriptomic analysis showed that 2157 genes (691 upregulated and 1466 downregulated) were differentially expressed between drought stress with AMF inoculation and drought treatment. Further examination demonstrated that the genes exhibiting differential expression were predominantly associated with the advancement of photosynthesis, sucrose and starch metabolism, nitrogen metabolism, chloroplast development, and phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathways, and the key potential genes were screened. These findings conclusively provided the physiological and molecular mechanisms that underlie improved drought resistance in H. miconioides in the presence of AMF, which could contribute to improving the survival and species conservation of H. miconioides.


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