Volume 123, Issue 21, Pages 12135-12169Publisher
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.3c00372
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Operando IR spectroscopy is a crucial characterization method for studying heterogeneous catalysts under reaction conditions. This review emphasizes the importance of IR spectroscopy by discussing selected case studies that demonstrate its ability to provide relevant information in this field.
Heterogeneous catalysts undergo thermal- and/or adsorbate-induced dynamic changes under reaction conditions, which consequently modify their catalytic behavior. Hence, it is increasingly crucial to characterize the properties of a catalyst under reaction conditions through the so-called operando approach. Operando IR spectroscopy is probably one of the most ubiquitous and versatile characterization methods in the field of heterogeneous catalysis, but its potential in identifying adsorbate- and thermal-induced phenomena is often overlooked in favor of other less accessible methods, such as XAS spectroscopy and high-resolution microscopy. Without detracting from these techniques, and while aware of the enormous value of a multitechnique approach, the purpose of this Review is to show that IR spectroscopy alone can provide relevant information in this field. This is done by discussing a few selected case studies from our own research experience, which belong to the categories of both single-site- and nanoparticle-based catalysts.
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