4.8 Review

Bioactive inorganic nanomaterials for cancer theranostics


Volume 52, Issue 6, Pages 2031-2081


DOI: 10.1039/d2cs00352j



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Bioactive inorganic nanomaterials have attracted wide attention in cancer theranostics due to their unique physical and chemical properties, strong mechanical stability, and easy compounding with various carriers to achieve specific antitumor efficacy.
Bioactive materials are a special class of biomaterials that can react in vivo to induce a biological response or regulate biological functions, thus achieving a better curative effect than traditional inert biomaterials. For cancer theranostics, compared with organic or polymer nanomaterials, inorganic nanomaterials possess unique physical and chemical properties, have stronger mechanical stability on the basis of maintaining certain bioactivity, and are easy to be compounded with various carriers (polymer carriers, biological carriers, etc.), so as to achieve specific antitumor efficacy. After entering the nanoscale, due to the nano-size effect, high specific surface area and special nanostructures, inorganic nanomaterials exhibit unique biological effects, which significantly influence the interaction with biological organisms. Therefore, the research and applications of bioactive inorganic nanomaterials in cancer theranostics have attracted wide attention. In this review, we mainly summarize the recent progress of bioactive inorganic nanomaterials in cancer theranostics, and also introduce the definition, synthesis and modification strategies of bioactive inorganic nanomaterials. Thereafter, the applications of bioactive inorganic nanomaterials in tumor imaging and antitumor therapy, including tumor microenvironment (TME) regulation, catalytic therapy, gas therapy, regulatory cell death and immunotherapy, are discussed. Finally, the biosafety and challenges of bioactive inorganic nanomaterials are also mentioned, and their future development opportunities are prospected. This review highlights the bioapplication of bioactive inorganic nanomaterials.


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